Horoscope December 2022

Horoscope 2022 - December 2022

Horoscope 2022 - December - Full Moon in Gemini zodiac sign, Jupiter moves to Aries zodiac sign...

The energies of Mars will be evenly distributed throughout December, and so in 2022 we have a unique opportunity in December to finally identify with the past. We have the option of closing open disputes or ending the long-standing grief that depresses us. We will deal with several things. The retrograde Mars during December 2022 strongly encourages us to move forward from the new year. To forget the past, to focus more on the present moment and a more positive future. Mars also robs us of motivation, so December should be more of a crowd walk - from a career perspective.

This is not a good time for a new job or a significant change in life. Retrograde Mars is not, from an astrological point of view, a period full of joy and enjoyment of life, but it is also not a burdensome or negative aspect, describes Horoscope December 2022. Our feeling from this transit also depends on what kind of mentally resilient person we are and how we can deal with all the negative things from the past. In any case, during this position of Mars, important steps, such as divorce or new marriage, are not recommended for several zodiac signs. However, everything also depends on the astrological house through which Mars moves. Therefore, it is very important to know not only the general characteristics of this transit but also your overall personal Horoscope 2022. Let's look at the next December transits and their impact on total energy.

Horoscope December 2022 and important dates in 2022

Horoscope December 1st, Venus, which is in direct motion, enters the opposition with the retrograde Mars. Venus in opposition to Mars looks mainly at family relationships between parents and children, but also specifies our own value. Venus is a planet of love and money, and in the life of all the zodiac signs, it focuses mainly on the female zodiac signs, through which it sells more feminine energy. From another point of view, the planet Mars is full of masculine energy, which symbolizes passion and instinct. As Mars is in retrograde motion at this time, we will feel a greater need for freedom in private life, specify Horoscope December 2022. Venus will be in a problematic position, which symbolizes the problem of taming energy and dynamism between opinions and expression. Family relationships can be disharmonious during Venus's opposition to Mars, and quarrels can arise between mothers and children. Any relationships between parents and children that were complicated in the past are now external. Singles will tend to look for more passionate and turbulent relationships, but they do not have a long-term perspective. A big plus of this transit is the positive vibration towards those who are in a long-lasting and satisfied relationship.

Horoscope 2022 December 6th, 2022 - The planet Mercury moves to Capricorn zodiac sign. People will need to look at the world around with a realistic view. During the movement of the planet Mercury in the Earth sign of Capricorn, we appreciate the order and arrangement. This aspect will affect people who fill their wallets at the expense of others. These people will be exposed, and the planet Mercury will place them in the unflattering position of impostors, which may turn them into a good reputation. On the planet Mercury in Capricorn, we perceive a lot of information at once, and we can also sort it appropriately, underlines Horoscope December 2022. Therefore, this period may be suitable mainly for recalculations of the family budget to the next year, for the summary of year-round accounting, or for plans for larger purchases. Organization is the main keyword of this transit, but mental activity and productivity are also strong. Therefore, if we want to complete something important by the end of the year, the period around 6th December is very suitable for that. We may be too sensitive to deadlines or payments, and even the aggressive side of the personality may manifest itself. Therefore, it is also appropriate to learn to work with our self-control, so that we do not create unnecessary conflicts in this position of Mercury, which can also be resolved in other ways.

Horoscope December 10th, the planet Venus enters Capricorn zodiac sign. This position of Venus will be interpreted differently for each zodiac sign, because much depends on the astrological house of Venus in Capricorn. However, presence of mind and self-control are the key words for all zodiac signs, who in this period feel a strong desire to control the actions of others. This strong desire that Venus brings to Capricorn can cause many conflicts, when other people will be too interested in our private lives. So we have to be careful, and we also have to be careful about friendships that are not too strong. People should be careful about their language, and they should also not talk about their private lives with people they do not know well, continue astrology Horoscope December 2022. Venus in Capricorn should be used more for a solitary way of life, where we enjoy the presence of ourselves. Thoughtful and practical ideas, which some have been thinking about for a long time, can now be gradually and slowly transformed into reality. Capricorn is sometimes too exaggerated and the practical sign of the zodiac and Venus only emphasizes the characteristics of this earth zodiac sign. It transmits these properties not only to terrestrial but also to aquatic signs. The water signs of the zodiac - the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will be even more romantic than before. They will feel that they should bring more love and romance into the relationship, but on the other hand they may feel conservative behavior from a partner. For all 12 zodiac signs, however, Venus in Capricorn means the organization of thoughts and the right direction of emotions.

Horoscope 2022 December 20th, the directive Jupiter enters the first zodiac sign - Aries. The sun gradually weakens in its action in Sagittarius zodiac sign, and the next day it transfers its energies to Capricorn zodiac sign. However, while the sun is in Sagittarius, Jupiter acts on the sign of Aries. Jupiter is a positive planet which, when acting on Aries zodiac sign, opens a more positive view of life and plans for the future to all zodiac signs. Since Jupiter is considered a planet of happiness in astrology, right now we all have the opportunity to attract as much happiness as possible to our lives, highlight Horoscope December 2022. It is worth finding initiative and inspiration to prove all our positive values on the outside. This period is also ideal for singles, who are now revealing all their powerful weapons that they have hid from others so far. The inspiration coming through Jupiter in Aries zodiac sign also gives opportunities to the unemployed, who should consider sending as many CVs as possible during this period. The results will certainly come, because the enthusiasm from the planet Jupiter in Aries brings the most happiness of all transits and also the courage to change your life.

Accurate Monthly Horoscopes 2022

Yearly Horoscope 2022 December - Sun enters Capricorn zodiac sign

Horoscope 2022 December 21st - The sun changes to the 10th zodiac sign - the earth sign Capricorn zodiac sign. Traditionally, the last month of 2022 is ended by the transit of the sun from Sagittarius to the earth sign of Capricorn. The fundamental importance of how the sun in Capricorn hits the individual zodiac signs will be explained in each individual Horoscope for 2022. However, the sun in Capricorn brings practical and new energies, which are very positive. The key words of this transit are organization, completion, but also trust, fun and hard work. All these properties of the sun's entry into Capricorn zodiac sign affect every Astrological sign of the zodiac, which will perceive this transition in their own lives. Those who have so far been afraid to show who they really are will have an ideal opportunity to express their own selves from December 21st until the start of the year 2023. zodiac signs, which have felt a more problematic year in the field of finance, now have the opportunity to organize future finances much more practical and better. Even some zodiac signs will take steps at this end of the year to acquire new material resources underlines astrology Horoscope December 2022. What seemed impossible in the past is now easier, and people have the opportunity not only to succeed, but also to see new paths for future prosperity. This astrological Transit will significantly affect mainly zodiac signs, which in their lives often focus on real successes and not on quick profits or fraud. It mainly positively affects the earth signs of the zodiac, such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. So in life we will feel more responsibility, which we will be able to use to evaluate every thing we have at our disposal. The period from December 21st to the start of the year 2023 is therefore not only a period of practical responsibility but also fun, which will help us relax mentally from the challenging year 2022.

Horoscope 2022 December 23rd - The sun in Capricorn zodiac sign combines energy with the New Moon in this sign. The sun and the Moon act on the earth sign Capricorn and not only affect the energies of the earth signs, but they also act strongly on the water zodiac signs. The earthly and fiery zodiac signs will feel these transits in Capricorn more mildly, and so they do not have to worry about negative consequences, but on the other hand, they will not benefit too much from the positive vibrations of this aspect. The new moon in Capricorn zodiac sign affects all 12 signs of the zodiac for two days, and thus during the 23rd and 24th of December. It provides a health warning for female zodiac signs, who should be very careful about indigestion, weight gain, and also skin problems, warns Horoscope December 2022. Women should therefore focus on a more balanced diet, even though we are entering 24th December, which is more difficult in this area. In any case, it is better not to burden your body with overeating. You can also include lemon water in your food to support digestion. Look for ways to awaken your digestion during this period and unburden it from the large amount of Christmas goodies. In terms of emotions, the sun and the new moon in Capricorn zodiac sign bring a strong need for family prosperity. You perceive that you only want some things for yourself, but on the other hand, you also remember others and do not ignore their demands. It is a very harmonious period in which there is harmony between what you give to others and what you draw for your own benefit. A very important factor is to find the truth in yourself so that you trust your own value in life.

Horoscope 2022 December 29th ends the forecast for 2022, and brings Mercury square Venus, as well as the rotation of Mercury into retrograde motion. Mercury square Venus is the best time to answer important life questions. Some zodiac signs can cause social situations that cause unpleasant feelings. For example, you will have to decide between which company to spend the next few days. This period can also provoke certain conflicts and embarrassments, which are transferred to the tension in the love life. In order to avoid conflict situations, it is necessary to look for a compromise in your decisions. Sometimes it's better to focus more on your own family and friends, says annual Horoscope December 2022. Since Mercury is in retrograde motion, it is necessary to avoid decisions that you might regret later. Retrograde Mercury at the end of 2022 may call into question its own person and past decisions. You will look back on the whole of 2022 and wonder if you could not do more for yourself in life. People are also not interested in superficial social conversations and therefore want to avoid people who do not bring any added value to their lives. Therefore surround yourself with people with whom you feel good and try to overcome the period that encourages you to be isolated. After all, it is always better in the company of loving people than in depressed loneliness.

Thus, December 2022 is not rich in a large number of retrograde planets. During New Moon we are astrologically struck by the energy of Mars and during Full Moon also by the energy of retrograde Mercury. December is too rich in the negative aspects of the astrological chart, but it also brings some conflicts between the positive and negative aspects. You will learn more about how these aspects affect a particular zodiac sign in your personal astrological Horoscope for 2022. So read the complete list of what awaits you in 2022, and be prepared for the energies acting on your love, financial career or health.

Horoscopes 2022

Astrological Horoscope 2022 describes the effects on love, career, finances, family relationships, but also on the overall energies that are observable around us. Horoscope 2022 For all 12 Zodiac signs...


Aspects that affect Horoscope 2022 during December

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Horoscopes 2022 for 12 Zodiac Signs:

Horoscopes & Tarot Reading:

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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