Horoscope February 2022

Horoscope 2022 - February 2022

Horoscope 2022 - February - Sun conjunct Uranus, Venus conjunct Mars...

Looking back, we know that the opening month of the year will be more complicated for all the signs of the zodiac. Also the first 4 days of February, we will still feel the retrograde Mercury, which will, however, weaken gradually. In any case, it is still not recommended these days to sign important documents or conclude large contracts for sale and purchase. Stick to your deadlines and agreements so as not to disturb your daily stability. From February 4th to February 14th, the planet Mercury, which rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo is in Capricorn zodiac sign. Your mind will thus focus mainly on practical things in life that have a purpose for the present and the future.

The zodiac sign of the Capricorn stands in opposition to Cancer, and therefore the signs of Virgo, Gemini and Cancer will feel the strongest influence of Mercury in Capricorn during the month of February. These signs will be able to perceive real-life achievements, and focus more on what makes them happy in life. They will also see the final results of their efforts, and self-confidence and creativity will also come to the fore. The communication skills of all the zodiac signs will not be limited and there is an exceptional time for business meetings, for finding a new job, and for all the steps that are slowly moving you to your goal, especially when it comes to work.

In personal life, Mercury in Capricorn zodiac sign also means an ideal opportunity to talk about things that bother us in life. The influence of retrograde Venus in January brought a number of complicated relationships in the love area as well. However, if you have overcome this effect, it is clear that your love relationship with your partner is deep and relentless. You will not lose optimism. If you have a partner, make more time for each other. When Mercury gets into the directive movement in Capricorn, it is also a good time for the singles to start thinking more about their physical body. Start exercising and take care of your appearance. Mercury soon moves to the sign of Aquarius, where it will act cheerfully and boldly on all signs in a directive motion.

The transition of the planet Mercury on February 14th to Aquarius zodiac sign will feel not only the sign of Aquarius itself, but also the sign standing in its opposition, and thus the Leo sun sign. In general, however, this transit can bring more stubbornness and extremist views on politics or on the actions of people around us. We will find it difficult to accept new ideas, and fun will be at the forefront of our needs. Let yourself be carried away by the energy of a child, and enjoy even the little things, like divination. But what other transits does the month of February affect in fact, if we look at all the zodiac signs?

Horoscope February 2022 and impoatant dates in 2022

Horoscope February the 1st is the New Moon in Aquarius zodiac sign. This transit, of course, applies to all zodiac signs, but it will be more pronounced by Aquarius, Leo, and also Cancer, eho intensely perceive all lunar positions. Relationships and emotions can be complicated around this day, as this New Moon occurs at a time when Mercury is still in retrograde motion. It is therefore not recommended to have big conversations about your relationship or to move forward emotionally. You better stand still now. You should forget about anger and jealousy. Health should also be a priority for those zodiac signs, who suffer from hormone instability or knee problems. The day when the lunar phase enters the New Moon in Aquarius zodiac sign is not suitable for surgery either. So be more careful around the date so that you do not have to undergo any necessary medical intervention.

On February the 4th, at 4 o'clock, Mercury begins its directive motion, and in the evening, the Sun enters the conjunction with Saturn. The conjunction of the Sun with Saturn will mean the equalization of tense energies, and the harmonization of all past negative feelings. Feelings will be neither overly happy nor sad. All the zodiac signs combine with the energies of Saturn, which rules the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. The planet Saturn is in Aquarius zodiac sign, while the Sun still acts on the sign of Capricorn. It brings the freedom to express our will, and the discarding of the ego with a focus on self-development and self-awareness in this world. This aspect, has a neutral plane, and rather brings all the zodiac signs the opportunity to control their own impulses, aggression, and even brings a kind of sarcastic sense of humor. It has a restraining effect on people, but it also focuses on completing important tasks that are in line with our limits.

Horoscope 2022 February the 8th, the planet Mars, which is the ruling planet of Scorpio zodiac sign is located in a trine with the planet Uranus. Trine is a positive aspect, it is a harmonious connection. It brings all zodiac signs excitement to life, and helps us express our inner creativity. This is a very positive aspect, as all the planets are currently in a directive motion, the positive effect of this aspect is multiplied. The days around this transit bring positive energy, and we create things that have a positive effect on our lives. We are simply achieving our own goals, but the impatience that comes with not having enough time for things that interest and entertain us can also come to the fore. The horoscope recommends you to forget all your problems during this period, and focus more on how to use your free time more joyfully and eliminate boredom. Mars trine Uranus will teach you to be more patient with others, and will also teach you how to rest and let satisfaction into your life. However, you will grow as an individual, so focus mainly on yourself, and teach your family members to think peacefully as well. Mars trine Uranus also brings passion, and thus affects our love relationships. The need for intimate rapprochement grows, and strongly influences mainly Aries zodiac sign, and Libra zodiac sign, that stands in opposition to the Aries. However, all zodiac signs have the opportunity to discover their own sexual needs and requirements. If you have a partner, spend these moments exploring each other's bodies.

February the 16th brings the Full Moon in Leo zodiac sign. The 3rd zodiac sign, is a sign standing in opposition to Aquarius. The Full Moon affects these two signs, but also the Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. The signs thus feel a more pronounced effect of the Full Moon. All 12 signs feel safe, and can even help friends or family members not to lose hope in difficult times. All zodiac signs should forget about fear and be good listeners and advisors during this transit. All phases of the moon also affect our health differently. Even during the Full Moon is surgery not recommended, and people who have heart problems or high blood pressure should pay special attention to their health. It is not recommended to consume greasy and heavy meals, so you should focus on a healthy lifestyle this day. Dieting during this day will also start your metabolism, and improve your digestion. Of course, people with heart problems or high blood pressure should think about their health during all the lunar phases, but problems can occur mainly during this period. Therefore, be careful and take care of your body.

Accurate Monthly Horoscopes 2022

Yearly Horoskop 2022 February - Sun enters Pisces zodiac sign

Horoscope February the 18th, the Sun enters the sign of the Pisces. In the afternoon there is an astrological transition of the Sun from Aquarius zodiac sign to the sign of Pisces. Jupiter and the planet Neptune are also in this sign at the moment of the Sun's entry into the Pisces. Pisces, as a representative of the water element, is controlled by the planet Jupiter, and its basic properties are sacrifice, compassion and mystical radiation. Most people perceive Pisces as a very friendly zodiac sign, which has a strong intuition and is very devoted.

Often, Pisces zodiac sign are the greatest advisors to other zodiac signs, they can also find answers to such questions that other signs of the zodiac search in vain inside their hearts. Pisces not only listen to the other, but their strong intuition connects inner feelings with physical needs. People born with the Sun in Pisces often struggle with their own duality in life. This is because Pisces feel a bit of every sign of the zodiac in their lives. This transit has a similar effect on all zodiac signs, but according to the individual houses we can describe its effect in detail. Thus, the period from which the Sun will move through the sign Pisces, until the period when it moves into the sign of the Aries, will generally be focused on the people and the world around us. Even if you do not agree with the behavior of other people, you will try to understand it, accept it. The Sun in Pisces zodiac sign strengthens the understanding of others and gives us the ability to cope with the pain of the past. During this transit, several zodiac signs may feel as if they are swimming in a safe harbor, because the sign of Pisces concentrates humanity and understanding. These days will also bring the development of emotional, psychological and physical manifestations of each zodiac sign individually. You will look for ways to harmonize your life so that all important things stand side by side in the forefront of your life. Knowing the impact of this aspect is extremely important for any zodiac sign seeking an internal balance and harmonization of energies during 2022.

Horoscope 2022 February 20th highlights the transit when the planet Mars, the ruling planet of the Aries, is in sextile with Neptune. Planet Mars, still in Capricorn zodiac sign at this time, can affect our overall life course. The key words of this transit are passion, selflessness and also romance. This auspicious aspect affects our family relationships, friendships but also our love. All the zodiac signs learn to respect honesty and the intuition of all people is also felt. From the point of view of emotional planning for the future, this transit is ideal for imagining where we think our relationship is headed. Creativity and initiative are at the forefront of our decision-making and influence where we are going these days. We desire to attract a kind of spiritual level of romance into our lives, and therefore we want to connect with others on a deeper level, and we are not interested in shallow relationships. If you are one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, this period will be an ideal time to learn more meaningful relationships. On the other hand, it should be noted that during the sextile of Mars with the planet Neptune, there is a period when more able individuals can use their talent in deception. Therefore, do not be seduced by the lies of people who take this quality as a natural part of their character.

The month of February will therefore be a period of self-knowledge, a journey forward, and an awareness of one's own value. The Sun in romantic Pisces will bring more balance to our lives, and the directive movements of the planets balance the negative energies from the previous period. February should thus become a peaceful month in 2022 for several zodiac signs, which from the global point of view will not bring any significant negative effects on life.

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Aspects that affect Horoscope 2022 during February

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Horoscopes 2022 for 12 Zodiac Signs:

Horoscopes & Tarot Reading:

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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