Horoscope January 2022

Horoscope 2022 - January 2022

Horoscope 2022 - January - Retrograde planets Venus, Mercury and Uranus

In January, we will also be affected by other Astrological movements, such as the new moon in the sign of Capricorn, the Sun in conjunction with Pluto, the transfer of the Sun to Aquarius zodiac sign, or the departure of the planet Mercury from this sign. As Venus moves retroactively throughout January, let's look at how this aspect will affect the first month of the new year.

It is known that the planet Venus is a planet full of feminine energy, and is ruled by the signs of Taurus and Libra. In the life of all zodiac signs, it mainly means peace and tranquility, and it brings balanced moods into our relationships. However, as a priority, this planet is considered a kind of strong passionate energy that passes through all aspects of our lives, and the passion is thus shown not only in love, in love life, but also in our work. It also affects the energies we use to strengthen our health. At the forefront is also a sense of beauty and aesthetics, with wich we try to make the home cozy.

Venus enters a retrograde motion approximately every 18 months. It is the planet that is in this movement, perhaps the least of all the other planets that affect the 12 zodiac signs. This retrograde movement of Venus brings certain positive effects, but also negative energies. The transit of Venus in this direction means for the romantic relationship a cooling of feelings towards the other. It also affects those who are in a harmonious relationship, because some of you will require more romance than they are getting. We feel overlooked by a loved one and there may be problems with communication. If problems are not solved honestly and straightforwardly in the relationship during this period, they can later come to the surface and cause a disaster ...

The movement of Venus raises deep-rooted concerns about our relationship, and reinforces the need to organize all emotional imbalances. This period is not suitable even for those who are looking for new love, because under the influence of the retrograde Venus they flood our romantic awareness and confuse us with feelings of passion with feelings of love. Unmarried people can thus get into intensive relationships, which will be problematic for the future. Relationships that begin during the effect of the retrograde Venus on zodiac signs often mean mainly a lesson for the future, because they do not last long.

Retrograde Venus is slightly painful and tense on other areas of life. We feel much less energy, and our physical pains do not heal during this time. Venus unlocks aesthetics and beauty in life, but in terms of work and finances, this is not a good time to move forward. Even large purchases are not recommended during this period. The beginning of 2022 will thus be marked by a strong influence that draws our attention to our actions, to exaggerated reactions, and to the decline of energy in our lives. However, the predominantly negative effect of this transit will be broken by other astrological effects, which will also bring a positive effect on the individual zodiac signs. However, you will feel your full energy and strength only in the period when the retrograde movement leaves the planet Venus.

Accurate Monthly Horoscopes 2022

Horoscope January 2022 and importand dates in 2022

At the beginning of January, on January 2nd, the new moon marks Capricorn zodiac sign. The new moon means finding usefulness for ourselves. We will need to help others, and we will feel this effect for a few days before and after this Lunar Phase. You may even feel that other people around you are ignoring you, and love will seem shallow and superficial. During this period, do not delve deep into the knowledge of your private relationships, because deep things are hidden from our eyes and ears. The new moon in Capricorn also means an effect on our health, and therefore all signs of the zodiac should pay attention to problems with skin, but also with the joints, which can bother us more this winter. However, due to the effect of another astrological influence on this day, we will also feel the arrival of the planet Mercury in Aquarius zodiac sign. In this direction, our mental activity is intensified, and the need to think about what is best for us is also strengthened. We focus on the future, and how our decisions affect our lives, our finances, but also our love.

Horoscope 2022 January 9th, the Sun comes into conjunction with Venus during the period when Venus is in retrograde movement. This Astrological action is considered to be especially strong, because the negative effects of Venus go to the background, and it brings us loving energy as well as enchanting feelings. The beginning of the month, its first days, could have been more challenging, but now the situation will calm down for a while. The themes of inner enlightenment come to the fore, and the energies of faith are also amplified. You should focus mainly on listening to the problems and demands of other people in your area, because this period unlocks the mind but also the communicative side of each of us. The retrograde Venus begins to gain strength during this period, and represents an intensification of wisdom. Gradually, it gets from a strong negative effect to its center, and so it will bring us more prudence and experience. Venus will behave differently in each zodiac sign during this period, so be sure to read your personal Horoscope for 2022 to understand exactly the effect of this movement and action on your zodiac sign.

Horoscope January 14th, the planet Mercury enters a retrograde movement and is in it until the first day of February. retrograde Venus therefore mainly affects our emotions, love, career and money. retrograde Mercury affects our desire for travel, adventure and also affects communication. While these two planets are in this motion, not only our emotions are affected, but also the way we communicate, which has a big impact on our moves. Venus suppresses deep emotions, and retrograde Mercury blocks opportunities for constructive explanations, and for subtle communication. Mercury will have an impact on all signs, to some extent it will cause complications, especially for the signs of Virgo and Gemini, for whom Mercury is the ruling planet. However, in a global sense, Mercury will also shake plans and responsibilities. The planned meeting may result in miSunderstanding during this influence. The most important thing to keep in mind is that during this period, it is necessary to maintain a clear mind, and try to communicate gently with others. These effects affect not only our energies, but also the overall functioning of things around us. It may happen that many people cancel the scheduled meeting. This movement of Mercury can also affect the delays of others to work, school and the like. During this period, it is therefore necessary to plan in advance so that the negative impact of these energies does not push you backwards. There are also analyzes that point to the negative impact of these aspects on our finances, which culminate around this date.

Horoscope 2022 January 17th, there will be a mighty Full Moon on all 12 zodiac signs in zodiac sign Cancer. Full Moon in Cancer also talks about health warnings, when you should pay particular attention to digestion, and women 's health in the female side. If you are thinking about a preventive examination at a gynecologist, the period around January 17th will be the most suitable for you during this year. This influence brings feelings associated with home and family. These days, you will feel a connection with your loved ones and you will learn how to forgive people from past wrongs or even small lies that have protected you in the past. Again, this Full Moon acts subjectively to every zodiac sign. Anyway, each of the 12 zodiac signs will feel the meaning of being on this planet. You will be in tune with what you do and with your life journey. You will focus more on housework, especially family members, and young children in the family. The positive Full Moon unlocks mainly our deepest feelings of love for our family members. Therefore, devote yourself to your lovemaking, and do not forget to increase your household. It's a good time to clean up every room and bring positive energy into your lives.

Yearly Horoskop 2022 January - Sun enters Aquarius zodiac sign

Horoscope January 20th means the departure of the Sun from the sign Capricorn and its transfer to Aquarius zodiac sign. The socially and mentally active sign of Aquarius has a great effect on all signs when the Sun begins to act on this 11th zodiac sign, which is controlled by the air element and the planet Uranus. The Sun in Capricorn caused rather conservative moods and attitudes. When it moves to Aquarius zodiac sign, you walk in the rhythm of your own life, and focus more on freedom in your decisions, describes Horoscope January 2022. Freedom of decision, freedom in your thoughts and emotions fully connects you with your own inner self. You will appreciate not only the individuality of yourself, but also of your children, and members of your household. This astrological aspect allows us to be more aware of the need not only of ourselves on this planet, but also to appreciate the value of other people, animals, plants, and everything that forms our surrounding life ... Horoscope January 2022 specifies that we enjoy nature more, we connect with the scent that surrounds us, and we enjoy the different flavours that add a spark to our lives. The Sun in Aquarius zodiac sign means the intensification of the joy of life, it means moving forward, walking in the direction in which our life path is to go. We perceive humanity as a whole, not just ourselves. We don't look at things selfishly, but we try to help and support everyone we care about. This caring side of the Sun's action overwhelms the power of the retrograde Venus, so that the sadness of our miSunderstood emotions does not come to the fore, but the joy of being able to express them to others. Right now, we have the opportunity to back away from our selfishness, and to be more interested not only in other people, but also in the welfare of this planet.

The Sun in Aquarius zodiac sign will be most evident mainly during the period when the retrograde Venus enters a direct movement, which will occur on January 29th. From this period we can look forward not only to making new friends, but also to new knowledge that will teach us, adds horoscope january 2022. From the first day of the Sun's influence on the Aquarius sign, we can focus on our humanitarian side. Although under the influence of retrograde Venus we perceive all the shortcomings of other people, we realize how painful it can be to highlight them in front of others, highlighting Horoscope January 2022. It is precisely because we are aware of the value and weight of the word that we can contribute to the spiritual growth of the people we love. Aquarius is a unique zodiac sign that enjoys life. That is why all the zodiac signs have the opportunity to refresh their wardrobe, undergo a change of appearance, change their hair color, add a little originality and possibly extravagance to their lives, says yearly Horoscope 2022 January…

The effect of the oppositely moving Venus in connection with the Sun in Aquarius zodiac signalso focuses its attention on finances. The yearly horoscope does not recommend spending large amounts of money or making large purchases. In any case, you can indulge in little things for yourself or for the people you love. The world is made up of little things, and you can make a small thing a joy that doesn't have much material value. This is what reminds us of the action of the Sun in Aquarius. Each zodiac sign will feel a lot of ideas during this period, which you will be able to think about. Aquarius' energy will be fully manifested, especially at the end of the month, when Venus enters direct movement.

While the Sun is in Aquarius and Venus is retrograde, Mars also enters Capricorn zodaic sign, which occurs on January 24th, emphasizes Horoscope 2022 January. The action of the planet Mars on the sign Capricorn calms all negative energies. Patience and the appeasement of great problems come to the fore. Our interior gets to the heart of what is best for us. We are more aware of our actions and the consequences of these actions for our future. Although the impact of Mars on the Capricorn sign points to the possibility of buying real estate or large investments, these steps are not recommended during retrograde Venus, warns Horoscope January 2022. However, this period is especially suitable for you to create a good CV and make important contacts. Especially those of you who are interested in a new job or are looking for a job. Venus also highlights the materialistic side of this period, which is also strengthened by the planet Mars entering Capricorn zodiac sign. All signs will be more focused on finances, earnings, and reassessment of your financial stability. Avoid extreme materialism, which causes you to buy things you don't need. So, during this period, turn your passions in wasting finances and focus mainly on the overall success in your life.

Horoscope 2022 January 26th, retrograde Mercury leaves Aquarius. Due to the work of the retrograde Mercury in Aquarius, all our family relationships, working relationships, but also our friendships are endangered. Various quarrels or miSunderstandings can occur in this way, but they will not be on a large scale. You need to be well aware of which of your friends are the real ones and focus on deepening the relationships that matter to you. Listen to your heart, and follow the action that are right for you. The month of January ends the action of the retrograde Venus, which ends on January 29, and the action of the same movement of Mercury, which ends on the first of February 2022.

Horoscope January 30th, the Sun reaches a quadrature with Uranus, Venus is in a directive motion, but Mercury is still backing away, says yearly horoscope january 2022. Mercury's strength is no longer so intense, so we feel great energy and creative strength. This aspect is also connected with physical health, when it is advisable to forget about unhealthy eating and rather move more. The Sun in quadrature with Uranus warns those who have heart problems to take care of themselves more than on other days, adds Horoscope 2022 January. In some cases, certain zodiac signs may feel more aggressive moods, so it is necessary to anchor your energies and focus your attention on your own life. Do not interfere in other people's decisions and accept the individuality of everyone around you. At the beginning of the year, January brings us many challenges that we will have to overcome. Venus and Mars will affect the energies of all 12 signs of the zodiac in January, and other astrological aspects will either encourage or balance the energies of retrograde movements.

For some zodiac signs, the retrograde movement of the planet Venus and Mercury will manifest itself in full force, describes zodiac Horoscope 2022 January. Usually, these movements are significant moments, especially at the signs that affect the planets. Overall, the beginning of the year becomes a period of certain important decisions and turning points in life. However, these transits do not usually contribute to much progress, but help us realize what is important in life. What really matters and what our expectations are in the future. During these days, you need to keep in mind that steps don't move you backwards, but help you correct mistakes so that you can move forward quickly and sensibly later.

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Aspects that affect Horoscope 2022 during January

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Horoscopes 2022 for 12 Zodiac Signs:

Horoscopes & Tarot Reading:

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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