April 2020 Horoscope Pisces

Horoscope Pisces

April 2020

Over the next month, the power of the Moon will influence your sign. It will affect your emotions and your feelings towards other people. You have to watch out for overly instinctive action and involve some logical reasoning. This month, however, open your heart to anyone you have neglected in the past. Pay more attention to the needs of your love or someone you truly care about. The moon will also affect you by making you more honest. With an open heart, tell people exactly what is hidden in your heart and drive the lies out of your life. Use your intuition more, but act with logic. Open your heart to your desire and spend more love this month.

Love: Do not let yourself be drawn into an unintended romance that could result in the fall of your relationship. It could disappoint you and make you feel lonely. Rather, focus more on your partner who needs to feel your love. If you are without a partner, you can expect an exciting meeting. But don't walk into anything recklessly. Everything requires patience and time. The family will have a good atmosphere, enjoy this period. Go out with your friends and have fun. Especially in the last week of the month will be a good time to meet with friends or family.

Health: This year you will discover new health perspectives and there will be no new ideas in this area. Get more interested in the cuisines and eating. Under the influence of a mighty Venus, you will feel a surge of creativity this month, and that will be reflected on your diet. You have been thinking about new things that you would bring into your life for a long time. These ideas, as far as cooking is concerned, will interest not only you but also your second half. From the health point of view, the discovery of new spheres will not only improve you physically, but will also greatly affect your psyche. Keep in mind the drinking regime and enough vegetable intake during this month. Also find out how you could replace the excess salt in your diet and get interested in spices or Himalayan salt. Try adding more vitamin C foods to your diet.

Work & Money: Your limits are only in your mind. Your demotivation may be due to less work stamina. You've done more than you need to do your job, so you can feel the urge not to finish your daily work responsibilities. Remember, however, that these feelings are only temporary, and that your sense of inferiority is only in your head. Beware of mistakes at work, which can be very annoying. You may want to discuss your steps with one of your family members. Maybe you will also inspire someone to change.

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