February 2024 Horoscope Capricorn

Horoscope Capricorn

February 2024

There may be unexpected difficulties in your life this month. But you have to endure, even if you feel tired and exhausted. Cards can also be shuffled by someone you accidentally meet and think about. Maybe it will be someone new, maybe someone from the past. Be careful, however, about their poor advice, which could complicate the situation. Consider each step carefully and be wary of who you disclose your secrets to. Sometimes it's better to keep things to yourself.

Love: You begin to feel a greater need for a physical closeness. Love keeps your head on and your needs to live in a lasting relationship with your future potential are increasing. Stand by your policies and if you have a partner talk about the direction of your relationship. Organise your relationship and at least find out what your partner's future plans are with you. If you're single, it's time to be more inclined to explore new things. Maybe you will meet someone interesting on your bike trip. Take the time to sit together behind a large family table and a good meal together. Friends will have their worries and problems. They won't have time to deal with your suspicions and negative feelings. Forgive them, they also have their problems.

Health: This month, have a better drinking regime than in the past months. Bad drinking regime accounts for most of your health problems. Without water, your metabolism becomes lazy and you gain more weight. You also will not get rid of toxins from your body, which then cause several diseases. Water is extremely important to your body. However, it should not be forgotten that sweetened drinks, sparkling mineral water and flavoured waters do not count as a drinking regime. So do not sweetened tea or coffee. Make a routine in a healthy drinking regime this month, and drink at least one and a half litre of clean, unflavoured water a day. You will see how quickly your health will improve. Your skin will also improve and you will feel much more vital energy.

Work & Money: Don't expect anything important earlier this month. You will have a few work responsibilities, but you will get through this month with really good work attitude. It is high time to organize your documents and clean up your desk. Think well about how you will focus on your later work responsibilities. Beware as there, not all colleagues are your friends as well. Consider who you are talking to and what about. Sometimes you should rather bite your tongue.

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