Horoscope Taurus

Weekly Taurus Horoscope

(09/02/2024 - 09/08/2024)

This week, Mercury will be inviting you from a distance to encourage your natural curiosity and communication talents. You will also do more to clean things at home, but also in your emotions. Also, schedule a meeting with your doctor for a preventive check-up that you should undergo this week. You will have a lot of tasks this week, but with systematic planning you can easily finish each of these tasks.

Love: A spontaneous romance could disappoint you and bring you loneliness. Rather, focus more on your partner who needs to feel your love. Beware of the love triangles. If you're still looking for love, keep in mind that there are more interesting people around you than you think.

Health: Improving your health will bring you hope for better future health. However, do not rejoice prematurely and do not underestimate prevention.

Work & Money: You can look forward to the unexpected income. For the following period is recommended that you sort your relationship with a colleague with whom you have long-term disagreements. Do not postpone this annoying matter anymore.

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