Horoscope Scorpio

Weekly Scorpio Horoscope

(12/04/2023 - 12/10/2023)

Tired of your wardrobe? Try to keep up more with fashion. You can spend part of your earnings to finally revive your wardrobe. Your old-fashioned views are already your loved ones. At work, your management will also notice a change and pay more attention to you. It's time to put an end to boredom and weekends repeating like a copier. Give your life a little spontaneity and go in the society, on holiday, or do something special. Try to relax more and look for opportunities to discover your new, bolder self. This change will greatly benefit you and it will bring new, unexpected life energy into your life.

Love: Your past can catch up with you. You will often wonder what you had or could do differently. But is it time to change something? If you are still looking for the right one in the near future you can expect good news from someone near you.

Health: Return to your childhood and remember what made you happy. Pay attention to this activity and heal your soul.

Work & Money: In the coming period, you think more about saving and deferring money to save on unexpected expenses. Follow all rules at work so you don't do anything that could ruin your reputation.

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