Horoscope Sagittarius

Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope

(08/05/2024 - 08/11/2024)

Think about what your family means you and focus on the well-being, peace and prosperity of all family and household members. From a health point of view, you will feel good. You can indulge in more luxury, especially if you tend to enjoy delight and luxury. But think of your wastefulness and you do not overdo it. You will have a pleasant time with your partner and the whole period will be balanced. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't spend even more time together. Do not neglect them and please them with a nice gift from the heart. The costs of the gift do not matter, it is only to show the partner that you have thought about them beside all normal work or family responsibilities.

Love: If you don't agree on something with a partner, you can see someone else you haven't known before. Tell him you don't like his behaviour. If you are without a partner, try looking around. You will find that someone beautiful who you keep in your heart is interested in you.

Health: The sun is the best doctor and you have it for free. Go to nature and enjoy the sun's rays, pump up vitamin D and smile more.

Work & Money: Invest money in a quality holiday. In your work life, nobody stands in your way to show everyone what is in you.

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