Horoscope Libra

Weekly Libra Horoscope

(09/18/2023 - 09/24/2023)

You will have the urge to succumb to your weaknesses this week. Your vices and addictions can also bother you. Don't overdo it with cigarettes, alcohol, and beware of tempting gambling. You are in danger of unexpected financial losses or failing of planned projects and trades. Avoid mindless money spending today, and think of every expense very well this week.In health, be especially careful about unexpected injuries and treat them adequately. You will be weakened in love this week and you will have no strength to face conflicts. You probably won't avoid them. If you need it and feel that it’s right then escape from your partner into society and relax among your friends. Beware of innocent looking flirts.

Love: Don't ignore your partner's feelings. Like you, they have their needs, desires and emotions. Let them get closer to you. If you are without a partner, do not forget to pay more attention to your inner self. Uncover the power of yoga or discover the magic of movement.

Health: In the field of mental health, you are carrying a number of complications. You need to relax more and inevitably become less stressed.

Work & Money: Surely, your happiness is not directly related to your money. Learn to be happy with what you have. Some of your plans and ideas are really bold. The stars will favor your decisions.

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