Horoscope Gemini

Weekly Gemini Horoscope

(09/18/2023 - 09/24/2023)

This week brings you a lot of energy. You will literally feel charged to do all your responsibilities. Stars know that because of the many duties around you have forgotten to take care of your health in your life. Even psychic. Therefore, this week your main task is to schedule the necessary medical examinations. As for your mental health, you should definitely find yourself at least an hour in a hot bath or in nature during the week. Spend time alone somewhere to power you.

Love: In the following period, your loyalty may be under close scrutiny in your relationship, and the stars also say that your loyalty will be tested. If you are single, you have to know exactly what you want, because you will have an interesting date in the near future.

Health: Better exercise less, but with regularity. It is better to practice less than intensively and suddenly. Your body could wear out.

Work & Money: Some of your loved ones can help solve the ongoing financial problems. But don't borrow more than you can pay back. If you feel exhausted, it is time to refresh your next period by at least considering taking a vacation.

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