Gemini Sign - Traits, Gemini Man, Gemini Woman

personality traits gemini man, personality traits gemini woman

Gemini Sign, Gemini Traits of personality

Birthday: 21 May - 21 June

Planet: The ruling planet of the Gemini sign is Mercury.

Element: The ruling element for them is Air

Nature: The main character of the zodiac sign is sanguine nature.

Strengths: Gemini woman and Gemini man is an extremely receptive zodiac sign. They are adaptable persons and are skillful at work. They are noble persons with optimism nature, high intelligence and the ability to learn and improve constantly.

Weaknesses: This zodiac sign is extremely impatient. Everything they want immediately, otherwise, they lose interest. They suffer from self-deception and sees themself in the more positive light they actually stand for. It is a zodiac sign dealing with the appearance of others rather than their inner values. Gemini sign is a bit jealous.

Body: Gemini zodiac sign have a medium-sized figure. They often have a narrow face and a high forehead. Their eyes are intelligent and insightful. A sharp nose dominates their faces. Gemini communicates with the body, and they are like Italians who use their limbs to express their emotions and to talk about everything. Their walking is energy and fast.

Lucky Day: Gemini's lucky day is Wednesday, which they should use mainly to recharge their new forces into the next half of the week.

Unfavourable day: The unfavourable day for Gemini sign is Thursday. On this day Gemini should avoid important resolutions that they should leave for another day.

Birthstone: To please Gemini man or Gemini woman give them stone topaz or semi-precious stone. These stones underline the character of Gemini and the semi-precious stones will delight the single woman. In the case of a Gemini woman, this stone is its right ornament.

Health: To please Gemini give them stone topaz or semi-precious stone. These stones underline the character of Gemini and the semi-precious stones will delight the single woman. In the case of a Gemini woman, this stone is its right ornament.

Color: Gemini zodiac sign will be happy in beautiful shades of purple color. Gemini Women should mainly surround themself with violet shades, and they should not forget the pieces of clothing in a beautiful purple color. The whole spectrum of yellow shades is also suitable for this zodiac sign. They feel best in an orange-painted room that gives them energy and freshness.

Where to Travel: France, the US, and Africa should Gemini choose for traveling.

Lucky numbers: The lucky numbers for Gemini man and for Gemini woman are 3, 12, 39, 48.

Main Gemini Traits - Gemini sign in short

The strong point of the Gemini sign is their loving nature. Their curiosity often drives them to the knowledge they literally need in their lives. Gemini sign is very happy to learn and even willingly exchanges all his knowledge with other people. He has the ability to adapt to the environment and, if necessary, adapt to you.

On the other hand, life with twins is complicated. Gemini is often nervous and indecisive. They often can't even decide on complete little things. Gemini zodiac sign is pleased if you give them a good book, magazine or comic book. They will appreciate it if you suggest a walk in the evening, at sunset. They also love trips around the city and watching people around. Gemini woman and Gemini man hate routine matters. This sign dislikes loneliness and it literally scares him. He does not want to waste his valuable time by watching TV alone at night. He prefers to see himself on a walk with someone he loves.

The Gemini sign can be specified as two people in one. He is the type of person you will never be sure who you are talking to. He is a double person who is cheerful and romantic, but on the other hand sad and thoughtful. Gemini zodiac sign is sociable and loves fun. They love the world and are extremely enchanted by it. They adore nature, sunset, full moon, observation of the sky and everything that has a touch of magical mystery. The world in the sky awakens in them a great curiosity, which they can never control.

Gemini sign often solves their existential problems as well as relationship problems. Geminis suffer from the constant feeling that they are missing the other half. In life, their main task is to surround themselves with a sufficient number of people. They want to have friends, a partner, a family, mentors, colleagues among themselves. They are simply social people longing for people with whom they can spend their time with. Geminis have a unstable but extremely open mind. Their creative part opens the door to the world of art. Gemini sign is the sign of writers, journalists or poem writers. They also love various sports, but of course, especially team sports, where they know how to spend enough time with their friends. Their qualities often inspire others around them and they look at the ingenious Gemini with admiration.

The sign of Gemini is a sign that would give you its soul. If you are a relative of this sign, it is almost certain that Gemini will be your support throughout life. If you need financial help, he will be there for you. If you need to cry or complain, he is waiting for you. Even if you need a kidney transplant, he is here to help. Gemini is simply the perfect friend, partner, and sibling. For him, love means emotional submission. He wants to communicate a lot with his chosen partner and share everything he has learned or is learning. Gemini zodiac sign is even willing to spend evening talking rather than living sexual experiences. Gemini sign wants to love, but on their way to finding the loved one, they spend a lot of time choosing between lovers. Gemini sign needs to feel excited and diverse. If they find a person they can talk to well, is faithful, determined, fun and passionate, they will spend their whole lives with this person.

Listen to the Gemini Traits by YouTube video from Horoscope & Divination

Gemini zodiac sign - Man, Woman and Best Job for them

Gemini zodiac sign have a constant need to grow intellectually. They need to read and learn new things in their lives as well as breathe. They want to be surrounded by dynamics in the work area. It does not suit them if they are in the same job position for a long time without the possibility of job growth or education. They learn quickly and they quickly get bored. If you want to keep the sign of Gemini at work, you need to constantly surround it with new tasks and challenges. Gemini sign certainly has a rich list of contacts that will be useful to him in the event of starting his own business. Especially at a later age, and especially a male Gemini needs to apply his knowledge and diligence in his own business. The best job a Gemini can get is in politics, law, science, art or sports. Gemini is a great writer, lawyer, inventor, speaker, or manager. They really stand out in these areas. Geminis are great politicians, or even presidents.

Several US presidents were born in this strong sign. You can read more at the end of this article, in the section of celebrities in Gemini sign. They also excel in sports, we know famous tennis players born in this sign. However, they do not have a problem with any profession they choose, because they have a strong ability to learn and thus achieve everything they can. Multitasking does not cause them any problems and they feel great if they can put their innovative ideas into work and break the routine. The Gemini zodiac sign has spent his life striving to build a strong foundation for life. He is frugal and can save enough of his hard work, which he needs for a feeling of well-being and security.

All about Gemini Man

Gemini man does not like boring moments of life. He seeks enthusiasm in life and so he lives. His steps are full of life and he melts over all the things that life has to offer. The Gemini man is adventurous and that makes him an excellent partner. His sense of humor is intelligent, apt and you will never be bored with him. If you are looking for laughter and fun,with a male Gemini you are in the right place. Geminis like to flirt in their own way. They look irresistible and since they are socially attuned people, they have no problem to find a suitable partner.

The male Gemini is always ready for fun and intellectual debate. Love begins with communication and only then grows into intimacy. Gemini man leaves physical contact for an exceptional occasion. He's not the type of man to take you anywhere. He wants everything to be according to his ideas. The environment in which he will make love to you for the first time must be cozy, beautiful and you must both feel comfortable there. A Gemini man can spend a lot of time with his partner if he has found someone who likes to talk to him. The real challenge for every Gemini man is to move from communication to physical contact. He would need to push here and there in this direction, because he does not know how to express the physical attractiveness of the woman he is interested in at the beginning.

Gemini man in Love

A male Gemini needs a stable partner. This partner should give him plenty of freedom, excitement, humour and pleasure. Diversity and intelligence stimulation are extremely important for this man. Gemini man wants his partner to be really well counted and intelligently charming. If you want to catch the eye of a Gemini man, you need to show him your deepest emotions and give him your whole heart. However, he does not want to talk about his emotions, he will much rather show you what the word love really means. Feel free to visit Love compatibility for Gemini and discover more about love with Gemini man.

Sex is a great experience for a Gemini man. The Gemini’s partner should be willing to discover and experiment until he is truly satisfied in his love life. Gemini man needs to discover and feel in a sexual relationship. Give him a lot of verbal contact, caressing, touching. The Gemini man will really appreciate it and will be a great and gentle partner you have been looking for for a long time.

All about Gemini Woman

The Gemini woman is extremely passionate and gentle for a while, and then she is completely different. If you want to attract a Gemini woman, you will need to be able to keep up with her dual nature. A female Gemini keeps a dual personality mainly so that if she does not like someone, she can escape to her second self and please her surroundings. She is a woman who wants to stay safe and needs to avoid any conflicts. So if you are the type of person who prefers a relaxed life in which you do not argue, a Gemini woman will be a real treasure for you. She is an enthusiastic, funny, intellectual and loving woman. The Gemini woman is extremely open and is always ready to take care of her friends, family or colleagues. She is a woman who draws energy from social life.

A female Gemini is not usually very shy, but she gets into a relationship slowly and with a dose of patience. She wants to see the future partner well and needs to get to know him completely. She enjoys hours of talking and finding out who she is interested in. She also obtains information from the man's surroundings.

Gemini Woman in Love

If a female Gemini is interested in you, it may happen that she already knows a lot about you. If a woman finds the Gemini man who suits her sexually and intellectually, she will be immediately devoted to him and will try to start a family as quickly as possible. This woman doesn't like to wait and if she wants something, she wants it now. As soon as she falls in love, she imagines marriage, children, loving, lovemaking, mornings together, nights and endless hours of talking together. The Gemini woman is fascinated by men who are constantly improving and learning. She is attracted to intelligent men who are in managerial positions. She is also interested in a man who communicates a lot and shares his opinions. Gemini likes to talk, but she'd like to listen to you even more. However, she expects the same from her partner. If you manage to build intimacy with a Gemini woman, be prepared for fun and very deep intimacy. Beware, however, of disagreements with a woman born under Gemini zodiac sign. If you turn you back on her, if you hurt her, or if you disappoint her, she is ready to forget you forever and you will never see her again. A female Gemini burns all the bridges behind her if her partner in a previous relationship hurt her or just didn't evict her. She is of the opinion that the ex partner would bring disagreements to her further relationship and therefore no longer communicates with him after the break-up.

Gemini woman is an incredibly passionate lover. If you get through her initial communication tests of your personality, you will discover a truly great lover. She devotes a lot of time to foreplay and oral satisfaction is no stranger to her either. You will be truly satisfied with the sexual experience with a Gemini woman. She will experience all the experiences in depth and also in depth she will devote herself to your desires and needs. A female Gemini will offer you a number of sexual experiences that you will never forget.

Gemini sign and their Health strength and common problems

Gemini is an active sign that can afflict insomnia. Their relentless energy often makes it difficult for them to fall asleep, so they should think about taking the hormone melatonin, which they can find in every pharmacy. Sleep is really important for the Gemini sign as they work conscientiously and hard. They need to rest for that. Gemini zodiac sign is prone to problems with asthma or respiratory diseases. The Gemini zodiac sign must be wary of the flu, which can even endanger their lives in their old age. However, their health is comprehensive and they have great health until old age. If they exercise regularly and take care of themselves, they usually do not have problems overcoming diseases. However, they should avoid stressful situations because they are very difficult to overcome stress.

Gemini sign is hardworking and often overworked and mentally exhausted. It is necessary for them to include tomatoes in their diet, which will help them overcome cancer, which could affect Gemini due to stress.

A suitable diet for Gemini sign is mainly beans, oranges, carrots, cauliflower or celery. Plums are also very suitable for them. Gemini sign, avoid carbonated drinks and smoking. Especially walnuts and all diets rich in Omega-3 fatty acids will affect your brain, which will support your sharp mind. Treat yourself to nuts, fish or avocados more often.

Gemini man & Gemini woman and their way of Love

Gemini sign is full of life. He is never satisfied with boring moments and requires love to excite and a certain dose of surprise. You can get to know a male Gemini through his friends or acquaintances. You will meet him among the many people surrounded by Geminis. A male Gemini will be fascinated by you if you dress in soft, not provocative clothes that will underline your femininity. Wear delicate makeup and be prepared to communicate with a male Gemini on any topic. If you want to get a man in this special sign, get ready for long conversations about whatever comes to mind. He wants a woman who is observant and will talk to him on every topic that interests him. The male Gemini is counted and observant. If you want to get in his favor, meet his friends, family and most importantly listen to him. What he says is the most important bridge for him to gradually establish intimacy with you. Win his heart, be funny, encourage him, be adventurous and laugh at his jokes or funny remarks.

If you are interested in a Gemini woman you will need to get used to her duality. Keep up with her, praise her and give her compliments. Show the woman in the Gemini sign that she is the most beautiful in your area, and that her smile would melt the Arctic ice as well. Gemini women really radiate a strong dose of energy. If you choose to suffice for her energetic nature, win her heart through glances, smiles, talking, and gentle inconspicuous touches.

Gemini zodiac sign Love Compatibility

The sign of Cancer and Libra is especially suitable for Geminis. Cancer will give love to Gemini sign, and he will understand him. Libras will enjoy the mental closeness of the Gemini sign. Scorpio sand Virgos, on the other hand, are not a good match for Gemini. A Scorpio would literally burn a Gemini zodiac signwith his fire with its explosiveness and jealousy. The Virgo will be too quiet and tight for the Gemini.

Gemini zodiac sign & Celebrities

Do you know any famous people that are born in this enchanting zodiac sign? Donald Trump was born on 14.06. And despite some criticisms of his person, we must acknowledge that this Gemini man is a savvy entrepreneur who has managed to gain masses of people on his side. Even this person proves how crowds of people always spin around the Gemini sign and how they can be successful if he chooses to do so. We even know more US presidents who were born as Gemini man - John F. Kennedy, or George H.W.Bush. They are very resonant names that prove the strength and success of this sign. Another important Gemini is, for example, Clint Eastwood, Johnny Depp, Mark Wahlberg, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Kanye West, Liam Neeson, and Paul McCartney. Marilyn Monroe, who crazed many men's heads was born 01.06. And is thus one of the most sound names of the Gemini woman. Among the Gemini woman, we can find other celebrities' names such as Natalie Portman, Sisters Olsen, Kylie Minogue, Iggy Azaela, Paula Abdul, Mel B, Angelina Jolie, and Monica from Friends series - actress Courtney Cox.

Gemini sign Horoscopes

Do not forget to read more about this amazing zodiac sign. On this website you can find Horoscope 2020 for Gemini zodiac sign, or Daily, Weekly or Monhtly horoscopes for you. Go visit our Facebook Channel as well for more information from horoscope and tarot world.

Personality Traits of other Zodiac Signs


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Gemini sign Gemini traits for man and woman