Cancer Sign - Traits, Cancer Man, Cancer Woman

personality traits Cancer man, personality traits Cancer woman

Cancer Sign, Cancer Traits of personality

Birthday: 22 June - 22 July

Planet: The ruling planet of the Cancer zodiac sign is the Moon.

Element: Water is the ruling element, for the Cancer sign.

Nature: The main character of the sign is a phlegmatic nature.

Strengths: Cancer sign is incredibly sensitive and empathetic. They are emotionally based. Cancer zodiac sign is a great companion who adorns every evening. If Cancer like somebody they will give the person everything and they will care about their friends and family well. There's no better cook as Cancer woman and Cancer man are. There is no better confidant, helper, a friend like a man in the Cancer zodiac sign. They are an extremely intuitive and they are controlled more by heart than by brain. But they are also brilliant and hardworking people.

Weaknesses: The drawback of the Cancer zodiac sign is mainly their tightening nature. They are afraid of new things and therefore often lack life chances and opportunities that would undoubtedly not escape another zodiac sign. They are trusting, but if someone disappoints them they happen an enormously powerful and heartless enemy. Cancer man becomes insensitive and even ingeniously hostile if circumstances so require as well as Cancer woman. Their weapons against others are psychological abuse and manipulative. Watch the Cancer, it's a powerful magic sign that can literally hex you.

Body: People born under Cancer zodiac sign have an average figure. Is neither slim nor fat. Cancer's face is more oval and women are incredibly feminine because the Cancer has a heavily developed breast part. Cancer has light-green or light-blue eyes and the most light-brown hair.

Lucky Day: Happy Cancer's Day is Monday. A day created for creative activity, for work or investment decisions.

Unfavourable day: The unfavorable Cancer's day will be Saturday. On this day the Cancer sign needs to avoid crucial decisions, investments, or quarrels.

Birthstone: To please Cancer sign give him a jewel containing pearl, diamond or emerald. The pearl personifies purity of the soul of this zodiac sign. The pearl is the most beautiful and most suitable jewel for Cancer women. Emerald represents energy and magicality that emanates from this sign. The diamond underlines their love for luxury.

Health: Their phlegmatic nature guarantees them robust health. The people born as Cancer have the most common stomach problems. Especially Cancer women have issues with breast diseases - breast cancer, uterus or headaches, major menstrual pain, and hormonal changes. Cancer Men suffer from heart disease, headaches. Cancer zodiac sign has generally weaker mental health, but a strong physical one. If they learns to work correctly with their emotional side and with their energy, then good health is looking forward to them during the whole life.

Color: The best color for Cancer man or even for Cancen woman is white. White, which reflects purity, well-being, and neutrality. On the other hand, the sign love the black color. It is a color that underlines the magical sensation of the Cancer sign, which envelops it in a veil of mystery. Dressed in black, the Cancer sign feels the best.

Where to Travel: To travel, they should choose the countries of Mauritius, Thailand, Spain, or Netherland.

Lucky numbers: Lucky Cancer's numbers are 5, 31, 35, 42

Main Cancer Traits - Cancer sign in short

The sign of Cancer has a large number of positive qualities. Cancer people tend to be extremely tenacious and hardworking. They are no strangers to success, even if it is paved with long and hard work. They are a quick to learn sign that is interested in everything new and travels its life with an extreme dose of intelligence. It means Cancer is imaginative and loyal. If you get a friend of Cancer, it doesn't matter if he is a male Cancer or a Cancer woman, but as a real friend, he will be your support at every moment of your life. Cancer has a need to help the whole environment, whether it is people, animals, physical or emotional needs. It is a convincing sign and therefore it easily gets any job he desires. Their persuasiveness is so high that it helps them in every aspect of life. To meet the sign of Cancer means to meet a sympathetic and intelligent person. A dreamy, magical, but even enchanting look is what will attract you to this personality. The sign of Cancer is strongly emotionally based. He loves art, home comfort and loves great food. Among the Cancer you will find the best chefs and it does not matter whether it is a male Cancer or a female Cancer. The Cancer man likes to cook professionally and you can often meet him as a chef or an enthusiast for any kitchen. The Cancer woman involves cooking more in her free time, but she is really exceptional in that. She is of the opinion that a happy man means a well-fed man, and this the life motto of Cancer woman.

The downside of this sign is its moodiness. Especially at a young age, this sign is extremely moody and at one moment you can meet a nice and smiling Cancer, but on the same day in the evening he is already crying in a pillow. His moodiness is associated with hormonal fluctuations that the sign of Cancer affects throughout life. The disadvantage is that the sign of Cancer has a pessimistic view of the world. He looks at everything with outrage and sees everything either white or black. Cancer thinks about life, but only exceptionally does he really enjoy it. He is troubled by societal problems such as hunger, the political situation, animal cruelty, water shortages, global warming ... All this is hampered by Cancer in its inner urge to love the world. He has an overly rational view of the world and sometimes it mentally exhausts him. Cancer sign is a manipulator. He can get people exactly where he needs to be. This is due to his perseverance, enchanting eyesight, intelligence and persuasiveness. He often leads groups and everyone happily follows him. Cancer sign loves water. It feels best on sunny and warm days near the water. For this sign, it is even extremely suitable to live near the seas or oceans. He often dreams of just such a life. A secluded house somewhere near the sea and in the arms of your beloved partner, and a child. This is Cancer's idea of life in which, however, he is often hampered by his negative view of the world.

The sign of Cancer affects everyone equally. He doesn't care about race or nationality. He is of the opinion that people are equal and that they should live together only at the best level. When traveling, Cancer is the one that is interested in culture, food, problems but also the joys of other cultures. He is excited about the diversity of the world. Cancer sign is a strongly creative sign and it feels best just when it performs an activity that moves it forward. On the job side, he doesn't like to stagnate, he prefers to move forward.

The Cancer sign pays attention to everyone around you. It is a distrustful sign, whose friendship is very special. Cancer chooses his friends conscientiously and if you hurt him he will burn all the bridges behind him. He will take revenge on you and then you will never see him again. Revenge is more of a manifestation of mental abuse or ridicule from the person who hurt them. However, they know how to be a very dangerous enemy, because they know how to get people on their side and they can handle people very well. However, they are very great phlegmatics and often say that the person who hurt them is not worth anything to them, nor for the energy invested in any retribution. Cancer sign forgets about you quickly, but you never forget about him.

This sign is deeply intuitive and is one of the most challenging signs of the zodiac. They take deep care of their family and the warmth of their home. They take care of finances, the aesthetics of the home, the food, the children. As a result, however, they may suffer from insomnia and mental exhaustion. Cancer needs a partner to support and help him when he is no longer on top. Cancer is ruled by the moon and this deepens its magical connection with the world. You may think of Cancer sign as someone mystical and prone to witchcraft and you will not be far from the truth. The sign of Cancer is extremely sympathetic and is often very popular with those around it. He says goodbye to people with pain in his heart, which no one sees. They do not react to insults, but they remember them. They will never forget anything, you will try in vain, this sign will not forget and forgive neither guilt nor thrill. Even if he tells you that he forgives you, it probably won't be true.

Listen to the Cancer Traits by YouTube video from Horoscope & Divination

Cancer zodiac sign - Man, Woman and Best Job for them

Cancers are great in the profession, where they can take care of someone and use all their strengths. At work, they want to use their receptivity, charm, intuition and communicativeness. Among the Cancers we can find a large number of writers, actors and painters. Their creativity pushes them to work, where they use their inner feelings and try to get the most out of themselves. They tend to pursue charity. Especially a Cancer woman has a great feel for an excellent investment. He is a great stockbroker, investment advisor, banker and economist. They are well versed in economic issues and can selflessly advise everyone. If you need good advice on where to invest, consult Cancer sign.

Cancer Women are excellent real estate agents. They can feel the needs and requirements of the client and therefore are suitable for any position where working with people is required. Cancer sign may not be very popular among the team, but he is usually number one for his boss. Sometimes he is even a threat to his leadership because he often exceeds the diligence and determination of others. The best occupations for Cancer zodiac sign include a chef, hotel or guesthouse owner, chef, businessman, teacher, nursery educator, real estate worker, stockbroker, writer, designer, graphic designer, fashion designer or web or application programmer. Cancer man is skillful especially when he can use his creativity in combination with intelligence and diligence. The final positive emotion from the customer only pushes him further. He does his job conscientiously and passionately. Cancer man or person can make mistakes because of his zeal for work, but he learns quickly and never repeats mistakes.

All about Cancer man

The Cancer man is afraid of rejection and therefore seldom decides to take the first steps. He lacks the necessary initiative to attract the attention of the opposite sex. On the other hand, he can observe and admire a woman he likes from a distance for a long time before he decides to do something. Before the first step, the Cancer man needs to make sure that he will not be rejected. Rejection is very difficult and therefore he will think his goal through before he says anything.

Cancer man is a shy man who may seem too complicated to others. He will especially prefer a woman who will be a great mother and will be his ideal wife. Looking for everything in one. He wants his wife to be beautiful, successful, sensible, intelligent, passionate, romantic, generous but also frugal. It happens that even a Cancer man sometimes does not know exactly what he wants. He believes that it is difficult for him to find such a perfect woman and therefore he sees many shortcomings in the women around him.

Cancer man in Love

If you manage to establish a relationship with a man of Cancer sign, he will take care of you and fulfill all your emotional desires. Cancer man, unlike female Cancers are not very generous. They do not understand why they should invest their money in a new purse, for example, which their partner wants. It may even happen that they decide to go on vacation alone so that they do not have to pay for the trip for their partner. In this respect, Cancer is really complicated. He protects his money and saves it to ensure the greatest possible comfort for the family he desires. And in this case, there is no need to blame him. He will really give his wife and children everything they need. However, he continues to be very responsible about finances. Cancers often leave a generous legacy to their children, but they themselves do not enjoy money very much during their life. Emotionally, however, they are truly generous partners. They are looking for someone to spend their whole life with and with whom they can share every moment of their life. Feel free to visit Love compatibility for Cancer and discover more about love with Cancer man.

If a Cancer man falls in love, he loves only one woman. He tries to fulfill his dream ideals about a woman. Rather, he seeks a fairy or princess who will enchant him every time she approaches him. He is very fascinated by women who bring something magical and unseen to his life. He likes classic beauty and a woman certainly does not entice him with expressive makeup or an unselected vocabulary. Man of the Cancer sign will even be a great friend who will be happy to listen to you and encourage you.

Cancer man loves touches. If you are trying to please him in the sexual field, give him millions of touches. He loves gentle touches or kisses on the neck. He admires breasts and ass the most. He enjoys only one woman, and he devotes himself enough to satisfying her several times during one night. He is a lover who will bring you to magical pleasure and show you new dimensions of love. If you want to experience something new with him, don't be afraid to tell him about your ideas. He will be thrilled with all the new things you will bring to his life in this area.

All about Cancer woman

A female Cancer is a magical woman that you can't easily get to know. Cancer is a very feminine sign and Cancer woman is extremely charming and feminine. She always wants to hear how beautiful and exceptional she is from her partner or from a person she is interested. She will appreciate if you mainly praise her inner qualities, but she will also smirk at the flattery regarding her appearance. Cancer woman is extremely aware of her qualities and the fact that many men prefer her to other women. He can do this by radiating an incredible desire to care, love and help. More than one man will feel that this woman will be a great mother, babysitter, cook and even a lover.

Cancer Woman in Love

A female Cancer feels best in the comfort of her home. She doesn't feel good in a place where there are too many people and she prefers to dedicate her time to her family rather than a party. She likes to be the center of attention, but only with her intelligence and skill. She doesn't like to dress very defiantly and you won't see tons of makeup on her face. She prefers herself and looks best naturally. A Cancer woman is not looking for anyone to teach her, she wants a man to listen to and encourage her. She doesn't like to discuss her innermost emotions, even with her partner or family. Her deepest interior is her own secret and she doesn't quite open up to anyone. Listen to her, encourage her if she has problems, tell her she is right, but never discuss her problems very much. Her different moods are often the fault of thousands of other things, not just a man. Cancer woman is tormented by feelings of personal failure, global problems, and somewhere in the end is thinking about problems with her husband.

Cancer woman can enchant perhaps every man. Although she miraculously does not enchant him at first sight, gradually, when he meets her, he falls in love with her. She is often a fateful woman that men cannot forget. She knows how to make herself a real woman and an exciting sexual object that delights men. Cancer woman loves touches. She gives a man a massage and also loves if the man touches every part of her body. She loves changing sexual positions and wants to give herself completely to the sexual experience. She likes various experiments, but she doesn't like rough and aggressive sex. She is sexually very active and these experiences with her are hard to forget. However, if a man demands only sex from her, they will not understand each other.

For Cancer woman, love is much more important than just satisfying her animal desires. If you cheat on her, expect the same retribution. She will return it to you even if it should be uncomfortable for her. This woman will never forgive you and will hurt you much more than you have hurt her. If you emotionally trip her up and cheat on her, you will lose the best woman in your life. Don't play with this woman, you won't even know how, but she will feel that you were unfaithful to her. However, if you surrender to her and be faithful to her, the woman of Cancer sign will reward you with love, passion, care and will be the best mother in the world. Her main condition in a relationship is fidelity, love and trust.

Cancer sign and their Health strength and common problems

Cancer has been in good health all his life. The path to Cancer’s health is often conditioned by finding one's inner well-being and composure. Therefore, Cancer sign, especially in old age, can get into a much better health condition than he was in young age. Over time, Cancer zodiac sign learns to use his energy and under the influence of a strong moon, his health also improves with age. It's worse mentally.

The sign of Cancer often reaches for antidepressants because he sees the world in black. He is saddened by any injustice in the world and his personal problems or failures can overwhelm him mentally. After this period, there will be days when Cancer sign is full of energy and catches up with what he neglected during the period of mental discomfort. Cancer zodiac sign has severe stomach problems and may suffer from increased heart rate or heart problems. Women need to be careful about breast cancer and uterine problems. They will also suffer from more painful menstruation.

Cancer zodiac sign needs plenty of movement and a sense of balance in his life. Love also helps them to overcome health problems, especially the mental ones. The drinking regime is important for Cancers. Cancer sign should avoid alcohol and take care of their teeth, which will also bother them later in life. Chewing an antibacterial clove, which is used as an ingredient in gingerbread, helps Cancer to fight tooth decay.

Cancer man & Cancer woman and their way of Love

Cancer is an extremely emotional sign and feelings are the most important thing for him. They will show you their gentleness and love whenever you want it or need it. They will not let you suffer and will sometimes take care of you with exaggerated care. Cancer zodiac sign is a faithful sign, but you must be careful not to disappoint this sign. If she finds out that you are flirting with another woman, she will get really angry. If she finds out that you cheated on her with someone else, you don't know it yet, but dark times will come for you. This sign will make sure that you suffer much more than her.

Cancer sign will never forgive you for betrayal. You may never know that your infidelity has been exposed, but the breakup that will occur will be unforgettable for you. In that negative sense. If you want to leave the cancer, think about yourself. Mostly it's you who's to blame. Cancer does not break up with a person he has fallen in love with just like that, on a whim or for no reason.

Cancer zodiac sign Love Compatibility

Cancer woman or Cancer man are a sign that does not show initiative. So it is not easy for them to have a sexual relationship. They search until they find a partner who can make them feel calm, protected and free. If you want a male or Cancer woman to love you for a lifetime, be proactive and loving. In love and in life, he prefers traditional values and even ancient love. They will fall in love with you if you send them a love letter like from old romantic movies. The Taurus and Capricorn are the most suitable signs for Cancer. The most unsuitable partners for the sign of Cancer are Gemini and Sagittarius.

Cancer sign & Celebrities

Cancer sign is known for its creativity, intelligence and sensitivity. The list of well-known celebrities is truly varied. Cancer zodiac sign can become anyone they want. Among the famous Cancer man, we could find the actor Tom Hanks, who was born on July 9th. Another prominent figure is Tom Cruise, Robin Williams, charismatic Vin Diesel, Harrison Ford, Sylvester Stallone, Will Ferrell, Tobey Maguire, and Matthew Lewis. We can also Cancer sign among charismatic women who are popular all over the world and often associated with a little magic charm in their lives. Cancer zodiac sign has love in their hearts, and the magical flair is glaring at them, so there's no wonder that Meryl Streep, born on 22/06, is one of the famous Cancer woman. Other popular Cancer women is Ariana Grande, Nicole Scherzinger, Michelle Rodriguez, Liv Tyler, Candice Patton, Jessica Simpson or iconic and unforgettable Pamela Anderson.

Cancer sign Horoscopes

Do not forget to read more about amazing Cancer sign. On this website you can find Horoscope 2020 for Cancer zodiac sign, or Daily, Weekly or Monhtly horoscopes for you. Go visit our Facebook Channel as well for more information from horoscope and tarot world.

Personality Traits of other Zodiac Signs


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Cancer sign Cancer traits Man & Woman