horoscope Taurus 2022 - family, marriage, pregnancy, friends

Yearly Horoscope Taurus 2022 - Family, Friends, Wedding & Pregnancy

(Family Life of Taurus, friendship in 2022, and prediction for marriage and pregnancy of Taurus)

Horoscope 2022 Taurus - Family

Love hits the life of Taurus during 2021 in a very strong plane. Taurus' family relationships will also require attention, as you will focus not only on personal growth and material security, but also on personal peace of mind, and family relationships. In January, you will feel that you need a lot of freedom in life. You will reject the opinions of family members who will try to refute Taurus's opinion or attitude.

Every Taurus needs a personal space where it does not allow others to limit its development and progress. For some Taurus, such a position of Venus will be reflected in a tremendous love for spiritual advancement. You will also desire some form of solitude. In January, you will not focus on family relationships, because you will be struck by the feeling of building your own spiritual happiness. Some Taurus become solitary during this period, and often sacrifice the closeness of others to understand themselves.

The month of January will have a very strong effect on every Taurus and on Horoscope Taurus 2022 as well, as the ruling planet concretizes and amplifies the amount of energy in Retrograde motion. Taurus will strive to achieve an exceptional degree of inner peace. The rest of the emotions from the past will also be transferred to Taurus's life. If family relationships were broken in past, Taurus will now harmonize them. You desire to end any disagreement with a family member, or any negative aspect that has interfered with harmonious family relationships. Thanks to the power of motivation and calming energies, you will be very popular with family members. However, Venus also influences in other ways. Either the Taurus will hide from the world in January, if all family relationships are harmonious, or he will be a healer of all family relationships if he feels a certain tense energy.

In any case, thanks to this strong influence of Venus on Taurus, family life will flourish. In February, you will focus mainly on career growth, and on your closest relationships - relationships with your partner, parents, siblings, or friends. Around March 2nd, Taurus's tolerance is very strong, as the Sun works in a sextile with Uranus in 11th astrological house. The help you now have to give to anyone in your family should go from the bottom of your heart. In April, the Retrograde Pluto, but also Mars passing through the 11th house, which strengthens social relations and family happiness, comes to the fore, specifies astrology Horoscope Taurus for 2022. On May 2nd, Venus in the 12th house focuses Taurus's attention on dysfunctional family relationships. In May, there may be quarrels over finances or over Taurus' decisions. You may tend to run your head against the wall. These quarrels will mainly concern finances or private life. Broken relationships can affect Taurus to the point of disrupting the influx of positive energy in his life, and can cause disrupted family relationships throughout May.

Venus square Uranus on May 27th reminds Taurus to live life according to their own rules. The May and June Retrograde Mercury in first and second houses hits Taurus so much that he acts childishly in terms of family life. He can look at the well-meant advice of others as an instruction and an attempt to steal his freedom. You become a biased person who overreacts to budding by family members. The tense May and June energies in area of family relations will not equalize until June 11th, when the planet Venus comes into conjunction with Uranus in first house of Taurus.

The sun, entering the sign of Cancer in 3rd house - June 21st, means a strong talent for communication with friends and family, underlines Horoscope Taurus 2022. In June, you have the perfect opportunity to delight family members with a meeting, or just with your positive energy and aura. It is a good opportunity to heal any disrupted family relationship that affects the overall energy and aura of Taurus. Until August 24th, you will feel good relationships in several ways, and also among family members.

Since August 24th, when Uranus becomes Retrograde in the 8th house, family and personal relationships may be slightly hampered. Certain family members will overly interested in your private and personal life, and will try to direct your life in direction they would like it to go. However, Taurus feels the energy of Venus passing through the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th astrological house, which strongly reminds Taurus of the need to present personal freedom and his own opinion of the future. Taurus, who intentionally disrupted certain family and interpersonal relationships in past, will be discouraged by thoughts of the past until year end. You will be reminded of what a selfish person you have been in the past. These negative energies from Taurus's past will make him regret his wrongdoing. You should also take steps to make it right. It is not too late for the relationship to be rectified.

During 2022, Taurus will have several opportunities to spend more time in his family circle, predicts Horoscope 2022 for Taurus zodiac sign. Some Taurus manage to conceive a child, which will mean an even greater expansion of their own family. Taurus should pay particular attention to the health of family members around 20th March, 20th April, 23rd October and 25th November. These days can negatively affect your loved ones. Therefore, it is necessary to pay increased attention especially to family members who are facing a long-term health problem.

Love, a working relationship, or problems in living together? The Love Compatibility Calculator for Taurus will show you how high your compatibility in love, even in 2022, is with other zodiac signs.

Horoscope Taurus 2022 - Friends

friendship Taurus in 2022

The Retrograde Venus located in the 9th house, lasting from January 1st to 29th, affects not only the love life of Taurus, but also his personal growth and balanced friendships. As the planet Uranus is also in a Retrograde position in period from the first to the 18th of January, the time for consolidating friendly bonds will not be until 18th January. In January, the Retrograde Venus teaches important lessons on how to look at relationships, but also at the closest ties with friends. It focuses on re-evaluating relationships that make sense for the future and ending relationships that are irrelevant. You take the most out of friendships as much as you can, and you try to offer your true face to your friends. We focus mainly on aspects of important values and inner harmony. That's why there will be people by your side who reinforce your own value and align with your needs or ideas.

At the end of January, the disgruntled Venus may also affect the disharmony of relations with roommates or friends with whom we do not have the strongest friendship. That's why January is the month when you should focus fully on your closest friends, recommends Horoscope Taurus 2022. Friendship will a very important part of Taurus's life throughout 2022, as most transits that affect Taurus's energy will be conducive to friendships. In February, you will focus mainly on your own future, and on February 16th, Full Moon in the sign of Leo in the 4th astrological house brings a close connection with the family and the expansion of friendly relations. It is an ideal opportunity for a small party, to which you can also invite new people who can later become your friends.

In February, the sun entering the sign of Pisces in 11th astrological house gives you charm and an exceptional presentation of yourself. You will have a charismatic effect on others, which will also help you establish new relationships or make new contacts. February will important for Taurus not only in terms of friendship, but also in terms of new contacts that will have value in the future. February 23rd, and the period until end of this month, brings the action of the sextile of Mars with the planet Neptune in 10th and 11th houses. It influences Taurus consciousness, and concentrates energy on deep knowledge of spirituality, and the power of consciousness.

You approach friendship in a different style says your Horoscope Taurus, and you try to penetrate the depths of your loved ones, and you are a bit of a curious person. You can be relentless, which can bring tension to such friendships that do not handle too much closeness and intimacy. You will try to penetrate the emotions of your friends so deeply that your friend may feel that you are invading his privacy too much. It may sometimes be better to focus on your own personal growth than to advise people who don't even care. It is this fact that will remind you of the end of February. 3rd month of 2022 - the month of March, means mainly tolerance, focusing on the future and harmonizing care with your friendly relations.

Around March 20th, the sun will enter the 12th house, which means a rebirth and a new beginning. These strong energies affect the sign of Taurus and his friendships in an interesting way, because some friendships can grow into something deeper at this time. On March 20th, shared love and intimacy on a friendly level can turn into another knowledge of love, especially if you have been trying to get the other person's attention for a long time. March is an ideal opportunity for those Taurus who long for a non-friendly relationship with someone they already know well. Thus, the first quarter of 2022 marks a positive radiance of astrological transits to Taurus friendships.

The second quarter of 2022 can fundamentally shake the friendship, emphasizing yearly Horoscope Taurus 2022. Taurus are affected by the Retrograde Mercury in second and first astrological houses. Before that, however, from April 29th, you will still feel the possibility of slow mental growth. Find out the causes of problems in one of your friendships. This gift brings Taurus a retrospective movement of the planet Pluto in 9th house of Taurus, which focuses on the analysis of the remaining problems. So if you have unresolved relationships with certain friends, and especially relationships from the past, Retrograde Pluto gives you the perfect opportunity to analyze and solve problems that discourage your soul. Be aware that troubled friendships may hit your personality hard in 2022, and may hamper your overall personality development. Due to unresolved relationships, you can also perceive a great feeling of loneliness and disruption of the connection with your own interior.

The 2022 horoscope draws attention mainly to the month of May, when you should focus all your attention on the harmonization of unbalanced friendships. From the first to the 10th of May, you have such an exceptional opportunity and even the confidence and determination to finally resolve the disharmonious relationships of the past. The period when you should focus on your own qualities and avoid teaching others or social events is from May 10th to June 3rd, when Mercury's Retrograde movement will hit Taurus in the second and later in the first astrological house.

The beginning of May, its center and end will also affect friendships, and some Taurus will be breathtaking. The era of Retrograde Mercury means a discrepancy between ideas and communication skills. It also focuses energy on future plans. A huge awakening awaits some of Taurus. You may be struggling with a truth that has been hidden from you so far. This truth can also hurt. The era of Retrograde Mercury means that broken friendships can fail. You will need to pay more attention to friends who you think are slandering you behind your back or who are bringing gossip to others. You need to reevaluate every friend you are currently in contact with, because if you do not make order in this area of relationships, there can be a lot of confusion in your life.

This period is not suitable for communication, adds Horoscope Taurus, but rather for re-evaluating relationships and cleaning up in emotions. You need to listen more to your heart, and focus mainly on what your closest friend is serious about. There are assumptions that some of your friends will ugly betray you in May. Also avoid friendships that are only here for you if they need something from you. On the other hand, if you have made a friendship in past because of your mistake, Retrograde Mercury gives you the space and opportunity to open this story and start writing a new chapter for it. You will able to understand what you have done wrong in past and bring remediation to meaningful past relationships. From June 3rd, the Retrograde Mercury leaves the first astrological house, and on June 4th, Saturn also operates in the area of friendship in the 10th house.

The Retrograde movements of the planets in 2022 will strongly guide the values, priorities and development of Taurus's personality. Saturn's Retrograde movement in 10th house also affects friendship. During these months, until October 23rd, you should be wary of relationships that can misuse your good energy. You may face new encounters, and new friendships that will seek your favor only because they have side intentions. These months are not ideal for making new friendships, because you could enter into relationships that are only superficial and that require more from you than they offer. June, July, August, September and the first half of October will be neutral in friendly relations, predicts Taurus' Horoscope 2022. However, Taurus may feel a greater decline in energy, mainly due to the fact that one of your friends will need your financial help in June or October. In this regard, you will have to decide whether to sacrifice the money saved for the benefit of another person, or rather direct it elsewhere. Since the Retrograde Saturn opens a great sacrifice in Taurus, it will you who will harmonize more than one relationship and conflict between friends during this period.

However, these months also mean a very positive attitude towards life in the area of one's own personal progress. You will be a counselor and helper for the soul of many a lost friend, who will greatly appreciate your advice, which will be vital to him in one case. So try to analyze the problems of others so that you do not disrupt the relationships between individual friends. From September 10th to October 2nd, the friendship will hit again by the Retrograde Mercury. This time it hits the sixth and seventh houses, which affects the management of life. Taurus will feel nervous in presence of other people, and therefore has the opportunity to focus on work, and long-term goals. Retrograde Mercury during September is certainly not a good time to establish new friendships.

From September 28th to October 1st, you will feel the entrance of the home planet Venus to the 6th Astrological House. There are days full of caution because a friend has deeper intentions with you. He is determined, and may even try to disrupt your harmonious love affair. Someone will be very interested in you, and will not look at how many relationships they can destroy. So be careful when you hear any gossip about your person, because during this time it can mean an effort to disrupt your love life. Excessive interest in your person from someone close to you so far can be scary, and this relationship can lead to a certain obsession. So be careful especially at the September end and remember that your kind and open nature can be understood completely differently.

On October 9th, you will be struck by a certain feeling of loneliness, which will help you overcome the entry of Venus and the Sun into the 7th house - around October 23rd. From October 30th, the Retrograde Mars reaches the second astrological house, which means very strong desires to show respect. However, there is also jealousy, continue Horoscope Taurus 2022, which has its place even in closest friendships. You will want to steal your companion just for yourself, and you will focus your free time mainly on the time spent with your loved ones.

On November 25, we perceive a New Moon in the 7th house, which with its operation also improves interpersonal relationships. End of November means ideal days for a small party or for fun in company of friends. If you meet new, interesting people, the friendships you will get at ending of November will be valuable and long-lasting. The last quarter of 2022 does not bring any disharmonious aspects that would reveal the unrest in friendly relations. In love and friendship, the energies will be undisturbed.

December 23rd brings a New Moon in the 9th house, and thus also new opinions and new discoveries. You will learn news that will positive and that will leave you with a whole range of joyful emotions. For Taurus, before start 2023 will satisfied, without unexpected negative effects.

The Taurus Friendship prediction also provides the Weekly Taurus Horoscope which is updated weekly. Get ready for the coming week with an astrological horoscope in 2022.

Horoscope 2022 Taurus - Marriage

Horoscope predicts what dates are best for Wedding in 2022

Retrograde Venus at the beginning of 2022 will remind you of more important topics than marriage. It focuses its energy mainly on building its own self, and since the energy of Taurus is strongly affected, it is quite possible that it will tear you away from reality. However, in 2022, the astrological chart also indicates suitable opportunities for marriage, as well as a period when concluding such important steps is not recommended.

As in pregnancy, periods of retrograde Venus and Retrograde Mercury are not recommended during marriage. In the following lines, you can read when this period occurs, and therefore what are the inappropriate positions for marriage. From the first of January to the 4th of February, the action of the Retrograde Venus intersects with Mercury in same motion. From the first to the 18th of January, the planet Uranus is added to this transit, which means a very bad position for marriage. These marriages are usually not long-term, and they have to go through a lot of problems during the relationship.

Other dates that future spouses should avoid to get married are from 10th May to 3rd June, from 10th September to 2nd October, as well as the last days of year - from 29th December to 2023. On the other hand , if you and your partner are Taurus, and if you have decided in 2022 to enter into a marriage, the ideal, and the best days for marriage is the period from February 5th to 14th, when Venus passes in the 10th house, emphasizing Marrige Horoscope Taurus 2022. Another great opportunity is the days from June 4th to June 26th. These days present a long and lasting marriage to the future.

The next special opportunity for a marriage that will loving for the rest of your life is the days from August 2nd to September 9th. These days are the most suitable period of 2022 for concluding a marriage. According to astrology, this marriage is exceptionally strong, satisfying, and lasts for the rest of our lives. So if you are a Taurus considering the ideal date for marriage in 2022, this year will give you more options. The most suitable and ideal option for planning a date for a successful marriage, according to the astrological chart, is the period from August 2nd to September 9th, as we have already mentioned. These days end the most ideal terms for marriage for the sign of Taurus. For the rest of 2022, Taurus focuses on other life values, or focuses energy on decisions about other life goals and values.

It is these facts that could divert your attention from planning your common future in a different, undesirable direction. Therefore, the last suitable opportunity 2022 is September 9th, 2022.

Accurate Monthly Horoscope Taurus tells you more about Taurus future in love, health, career, money or relationships. Horoscope 2022 Taurus is also connected with a monthly prophecy. Read all the important horoscopes from the fortune teller for the year 2022.

Horoscope Taurus 2022 - Pregnancy

Horoscope prediction for Best dates for pregnancy in 2022

In 2022, you will have an exceptional number of opportunities to father a coveted baby. For those Taurus who are in a relationship with another zodiac sign, or with another Taurus, there are several ideal opportunities. It is the signs that are highly compatible in love that will be a great success.

If you are trying for a first child, there are up to 5 periods in 2022, when the energies are very strongly oriented to produce a new or first offspring. An unsuitable opportunity to conceive a descendant, on the other hand, is the period of Retrograde Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, as well as the period of receding Mercury - which affects Taurus's energy up to 4 times during 2022.

Mercury merges with the Retrograde Venus in January, so from January 1st to February 4th, it is not an ideal time to have a baby. The more complicated days of pregnancy will also be the days from May 10th to June 3rd, from September 10th to October 2nd, as well as year ending - from December 29th to the end of 2022. The first suitable days for any Taurus seeking to the conception of the offspring is February 7th to 8th, 2022. During this period, no negative aspect is noticeable that would act in a direction affecting the conception of the child.

If you are trying for a long time to have a baby with your partner, the next option, and the most suitable time of 2022, will be March 6th, 7th and 8th, emphasizing pregnancy Horoscope 2022 for Taurus zodiac sign. If you are longing for a child, it is necessary to omit mainly periods of disturbing elements, and thus the Retrograde movement of Mercury and Venus. The next occasion is April 3rd and 4th, and then this period comes a period of rest, when there are no positive transits indicating enhanced fertility, or easier conception of the child.

From 5th April to 6th November, there is a period of more than half a year for each Taurus to regenerate and focus mainly on improving their physical health. The body must be in harmony with peace of mind so that you can fully capture the other opportunities for pregnancy that the months of November and December will bring you.

Other suitable days when Taurus will be endowed with increased fertility will be 7th August and 9th November, as well as 5th and 6th December. In 2022, Taurus will get up to 5 options for pregnancy - in February, March, April, November and December.

The astrological chart for 2022 for the sign of Taurus therefore recommends any Taurus who longs for a baby to follow these dates, which specify strong fertile days, as well as the best options for fathering your coveted baby.

These dates may not be exact, so it is necessary to follow the reproductive regime of Taurus, and set as close as possible to these dates. Thus, Taurus should mainly avoid the period of Retrograde Venus and Retrograde Mercury, which will not bring great success in the field of conception of the offspring, or pregnancy will be complicated.

Daily Horoscope Taurus prepare you for the current day. Horoscope 2022 from the Fortune-Teller also means the possibility of daily divination for Taurus zodiac sign.

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Horoscope Taurus 2022 - Love, Career, Health, Future...

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Horoscope Taurus 2022: Overview - Positive and Negative aspects of 2022

Horoscope Taurus 2022

In January, focus mainly on resolving unfinished disputes, and meditate. A certain wise woman in your life, which you have so far perceived as a good counselor, will help you solve many conflicts and problems from the past in the month of January, ie at the beginning of 2022. Introduction of Horoscope 2022 Taurus...

Horoscope Taurus 2022 from fortune-teller - Love & Relationships in 2022:

yearly Horoscope 2022 Taurus

The Retrograde Mars in the second house, which Taurus will feel from October 30th until the rest of the year, will further strengthen the nervousness in the relationship. This is mainly due to a strong desire for intimate connection, and because of jealousy... Read more about Love Horoscope Taurus 2022...

Horoscope Taurus 2022 - Family, Friends, Marriage and Pregnancy in 2022:

Horoscope Taurus 2022 Family, pregnancy, marriage

Every Taurus needs a personal space where it does not allow others to limit its development and progress. For some Taurus, such a position of Venus will be reflected in a tremendous love for spiritual advancement. You will also desire some form of solitude... Read this yearly Horoscope Taurus 2022 - Family, Friends, Pregnancy and Marriage...

Horoscope 2022 Taurus - Career & Finances:

yearly Horoscope Taurus 2022 work and money

The ruling planet of Taurus- Venus, which is Retrograde during most of January, also guides your stability and career perspective. January will not bring new opportunities for the Bulls who are currently looking for a job, because during the movement of the Retrograde Venus it is not appropriate to make a strong decision, change jobs, and this astrological Transit is not even favorable for those who want to start something new... Complete annual Horoscope Taurus 2022 in career and finances...

Horoscope Taurus 2022 - Health & Vitality:

ročný Horoskop 2022 zdravie

The health of Taurus in 2022 will be conditioned his problems in love, but also by workload. At the beginning of the year, the Retrograde Venus in the 9th Astrological House will also affect the health of Taurus, when he will be mainly looking for mental peace. Some Taurus, especially those who are more sensitive, will feel a desire for complete solitude, seeking long walks alone, or moments when they can indulge in silence and solitude... Read yearly Horoscope 2022 of Health and Vitality for Taurus zodiac sign...

Retrograde movements of planets that affects Horoscope 2022 Taurus

Graph of Retrograde Planets 2022 - Their affect on Horoscope Taurus 2022

Retrograde Astrology 2022 - graph of Horoscope 2022 Taurus

Click on the image above to read all the important information about the Retrograde Planets of 2022 and their impact on Horoscope Taurus 2022. Below you will find a list of terms important for your energy, vitality and for the overall Horoscope Taurus 2022.

Mercury Retrograde and Horoscope 2022 Taurus
  • 14 January 2022 (in Aquarius 10 house) - 04 February (in Capricorn 9 house) (For 21 days, Horoscope Taurus 2022 is influenced by the first retrograde Mercury)
  • 10 May 2022 (in Gemini 2 house) - 03 June (in Taurus 1 house) (Horoscope 2022 Taurus emphasize transit for 24 days)
  • 10 September 2022 (in libra - 6 house) - 02 October (in Scorpio 7 house) (Horoscope Taurus 2022 is affected by transit for 22 days)
  • 29 December 2022 (in Capricorn 9 house) - end of year 2022 (Horoscope Taurus will hit this aspect for 3 days)
Venus Retrograde - Horoscope 2022 Taurus
  • 01 January - 29 January 2022 (in Capricorn in 9 house) (Horoscope Taurus 2022 talks about this transit during 28 days)
Mars Retrograde - Horoscope Taurus 2022
  • 30 October 2022 - to year 2023 (in Gemini - 2 house) (63 days are affected by Horoscope 2022 Taurus)
Retrograde Jupiter - Horoscope 2022 Taurus
  • 28 July 2022 (Aries in 12 house) - 23 November (Pisces in 11 house) (Horoscope Taurus 2022 is affected for 118 days)
Retrograde Saturn 2022 - Horoscope Taurus 2022
  • 04 June 2022 (Aquarius in 10 house) - 23 October 2022 (Aquarius in 10 house) (This transit affects Horoscope 2022 141 days)
Retrograde Uranus - Horoscope Taurus 2022:
  • 01 January 2022 (Taurus in 1 house) - 18 January 2022 (Taurus in 1 house) (For 17 days, Uranus concentrates its energies on Horoscope Taurus 2022)
  • 24 August (Taurus in 1 dome) - to the start of the year 2023 (The annual Horoscope 2022 Taurus is affected by the retrograde Uranus for 130 days)
Retrograde Neptune 2022 - Horoscope Taurus:
  • 28 June 2022 (Pisces in 11 house) - 04 December (Pisces in 11 house) (the annual Horoscope Taurus 2022 is changed by transit for 159 days)
Pluto Retrograde - Horoscope Taurus 2022
  • 29 April 2022 (Capricorn in 9 house) - 08 October 2022 (Capricorn in 9 house) (aspect affects Horoscope Taurus 2022 for 162 days)

Horoscope 2022 for 12 Zodiac Signs


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Horoscope 2022 Taurus - Family, Pregnancy and Marriage