horoscope Libra 2022 - family, marriage, pregnancy, friends

Yearly Horoscope Libra 2022 - Family, Friends, Wedding & Pregnancy

(Family Life of Libra, friendship in 2022, and prediction for marriage and pregnancy of Libra)

Horoscope 2022 Libra - Family

From the term of Libra Horoscope 2022 view of astrology transits, Horoscope 2022 of the scales indicates a great impact on the area of family relationships during the year. Family life Libra will be affected by transits at the beginning and at the 2022 end. Throughout the year, your life and Libra's energy will be oriented to your family members. Libra focus on building your own family, but also on helping and supporting family members who need Libra's attention.

Right at the start of 2022 - specifically in the month of January, the fourth and fifth astrological house of Libra is strongly occupied. In January, your ruller Venus acts on the house of the family and the home with its strength, define annual Libra Horoscope 2022, which is in Retrograde motion from January 1st to January 29th. It is located in the neutral sign of Capricorn. Venus in a Retrograde motion means, for the sign of Libra, a manifestation of karma related to past decisions that affect your family. During this period, throughout January 2022, Libra must forget the fear of helping others, and you must devote Libra'sself fully to your inner life. However, also analyze the feelings and mental state of Libra's family members, who sometimes only need understanding and comprehension to feel better. Libra may have trouble understanding strangers in January, specifies personal Horoscope Libra for 2022, but it doesn't affect the people closest to you and whom you love. Libra want to be surrounded by family, even if you feel your own isolation inside. Nevertheless, Libra are the best advisor and a great helper for others.

However, the January Retrograde Venus can also burden Libra by taking the Libra of the lives of others on your shoulders. Libra will listen to and analyze the problems of Libra's family members, you will want to help and support them. Just by analyzing their worries in depth, this stress and this negative energy can also be transferred to your life. In January, Libra should find a balanced time between Libra's work responsibilities, rest and include in your free time also help others, indicate accurate Libra Horoscope 2022. However, be careful that your family does not drain the positive energy that Libra need to maintain now. In January, not only the Retrograde Venus affects the area of Libra's family life and your family happiness.

From 14th January, a Retrograde Mercury will join it, passing first the 5th and later the 4th house of Libra. Therefore, everything in your life will intensify even more, describes Horoscope 2022 for Libra zodiac sign. You will experience Libra's inner emotions stronger. Now Libra need to express yourself in an environment that specifies who Libra really are. People around you can complain about things in a childish way. They can attach great importance to things that are not really important or have nothing to do with their happiness in life. In January, you will prove to be a very intelligent person who can distinguish between what brings happiness in life and what does not matter. It is your great intelligence, open mind, or Libra's exceptional observational abilities that are your gift, and Libra's most powerful weapon right at the start of 2022. Don't be afraid to use these weapons for your own emotions and to strengthen your own karma, and to help people who help Libra, adds yearly Libra Horoscope 2022.

At the end of January 2022, which is strongly connected to Libra's family, the planet Mars passing through the 4th house, which is in the sign of its elevation, also gets the word out. Now Libra are mainly engaged in your own household, and the closest member of the family. At the end of January 2022, Libra's energy allows you to furnish your household according to your ideas. However, don't make big purchases, because Mercury is still in Retrograde motion, so Horoscope 2022 does not recommend Libra to make big financial decisions. However, Libra can indulge in buying household accessories or things that will bring Libra fun.

Planet Mars is currently built very harmoniously, so Libra can build not only a more cozy home. Libra are also building a more harmonious inner psychological world and better relationships with others. The energies from January pass on their energy into the following months. Libra can feel the harmonious vibration of the planet Mars until March 6th, says yearly Horoscope 2022, because Mars is going through a sign of elevation until this period. In February, Libra can expect more romance and harmony in Libra's life. Libra can enjoy leisure activities with your family members to have fun with. This fun will be associated not only with creativity, but also with your own talent or the talent of Libra's children. Even if your personal life will tempt you in some way, from the term of Horoscope Libra view of family happiness, negative energies should not affect your harmonious life.

In February, Libra feel not only the movement of Mars as a sign of exaltation, but also the transformation of Mercury into a directive direction. Mercury enters the 5th house from February 14th. Valentine will be connected not only with your loved one. It also connects with a lot of options for singles, but with family members you get along with. From February 14th until the end of this month, your spontaneity and playfulness is not blocked by any transits, mention accurate Libra Horoscope 2022. Therefore, enjoy your natural life energy, which will strengthen not only Libra's own inner karma, but also others.

Since March 6th, Libra have been perceiving the constant operation of Mars, but Venus, who is passing through the 5th house of joy and pleasure, also gets the floor. The 5th house also means romance and connection with grandparents or with your parents. This house is also associated with creativity and talent, describe astrology Horoscope Libra 2022. It is a huge driving force in your life. When Libra's ruling planet is in the 5th house, you feel connected to your family and Libra's children. Libra have no problem with self-expression, and the children in the family make you very happy. The harmonious aspect of Venus also strengthens your work position, because you are able to constantly work not only on Libra's own inner development and progress, but also on other parts of your life. Enjoy not only romance, recommends Libra yearly Horoscope 2022, but also a more intimate connection with your loved one.

The connection between Venus and the planet Mars in the 5th house gives Libra several opportunities to build a stronger inner life. You are either oriented towards your family or Libra are engaged in sexual and intimate pleasure with Libra's partner. At the forefront are also the possibilities of using artistic and creative activities to which Libra are close to improving your position in life and even your family budget. If Libra combine all the pluses that these transits offer, you will find that your family life will flourish at the starting of 2022. The energy will be strong and positive, predicts annual Horoscope Libra 2022. Positive days await any Libra who plans to recover past broken relationships or consolidate karmic forces at 2022 beginning. The first 3 months of 2022 are therefore strongly focused on love, romance, and also on the energies associated with your family life, in a positive sense.

The second quarter of 2022 focuses its energies more on work, marriage, or friends. The movements of the planets are unchanged from the point of astrology Horoscope view of family relations until August 24th. This means you don't have to expect any extraordinary changes in Libra's family life. No negative changes are waiting for Libra that would affect your harmonious family life. From August 24th, the Retrograde Uranus, which operates in the 4th house until the end of 2022, has the floor. Uranus built in this way can cause less confusion in your emotions about Libra's family. Libra want to get rid of everything related to your habits. It can make Libra nervous that Libra have inherited some of Libra's parents' disruptive habits. Also habits you didn't like about them. Right now, Libra realize whether your way of life is deeply or shallowly connected to Libra's roots, Libra's parents, or grandparents.

The Retrograde Uranus can cause your inner struggle with Libra's own personality and integrity. You will fight between Libra's own habits and between what kind of person you do not want to be. However, Libra may be thinking too deeply about which of Libra's qualities are positive and which are negative. The position of Uranus from August 24th until year 2023 brings Libra a desire for individuality, define personal Horoscope for Libra zodiac sign, freedom from habits, a desire to transcend certain boundaries, and to release more energy in your life. You want to break free from habits Libra don't like about yourself.

Remember that every day brings a new opportunity to improve yourself. To transform into the person you really want to be. What is said that man does not change with life is nonsense. Look at life in such a way that Libra are constantly able to change Libra's life path, Libra's views, Libra's attitudes, and Libra have the opportunity to build Libra's energy. You can live more according to Libra's own ideas, mention astrology Libra Horoscope 2022. Transits related to your family life are added to Retrograde Uranus until 2023.

In December, the 4th astrology House is occupied again, which connects with Jupiter passing through the 7th House. Horoscope Libra 2022 says that December is a very harmonious month for every Libra in terms of family relationships, friendship, but also love. From December 6th, Mercury passing through the 4th house, Venus selling for this movement since December 10th, Jupiter moving through the seventh house, and from December 21st, the sun running through the 4th house, mean harmony, and very positive karma. Family relationships will thrive. Libra will enjoy the end of the year in which you will feel your own identity connected with the same opinions of Libra's family members. Libra can enjoy family celebrations. Enjoy the time spent close to your loved ones. Spend time communicating, laughing and having fun.

From December 20th, Jupiter's positive passage through seventh house has been added to the excellent astrological transits affecting Libra's family life and overall Libra Horoscope 2022. Jupiter is very generous in this position and strives for a happy connection with everyone. So at 2022 end, Libra too are surrounded by the people you love. Enjoy the presence of your loved ones. Do less work and enjoy more family life, which is now extremely important to Libra. Enjoy the joys and worries of life. Be a helper, be a protector. But also take what belongs to you and let yourself be pampered by others. Let your heart flourish with love, understanding and comprehension, of which there are so few today.

Enjoy the connection with the people Libra love, recommends astrology Horoscope 2022 Libra, because the astrology transits of December will once again remind you how valuable Libra's own family is to Libra. They will remind you of the value of your emotions. Libra's positive energy acting on your family members will be a driving force for others. Everyone will take a piece of Libra's energy, and thanks to your generosity Libra can survive the full and happy end of 2022. Happier than in previous years. Strong positive Astrological transits, the amount of love and harmony, the amount of laughter Libra share with those Libra love - this is the end of the year predicted by Horoscope 2022 Libra. These positive energies are connected not only with your own karma and with Libra's energies. With Libra's airy element, Libra will also attract others who can enjoy Libra's strong positive mood and energy from Libra's heart.

Love, a working relationship, or problems in living together? The Love Compatibility Calculator for Libra will show Libra how high your compatibility in love, even in 2022, is with other zodiac signs.

Horoscope Libra 2022 - Friends

friendship Libra in 2022

What will your friendships look like in 2022 in terms of astrology transits? Do transits suggest strengthening some friendships, making new friends, or many opportunities for social events with your loved ones? The whole year of 2022 is focused on your family, love, and personal development of every Libra.

At the beginning of 2022, your energy is fully focused on your beloved partner, the singles have many opportunities to meet new love, and your family is now very valuable to Libra. The nearest transit that concentrates its energies on the area of Libra's friendships is Venus moving through 7th house from May 2nd to 28th. This rapid transition of Libra's ruller can cause problems related to your friendships, predicts great Libra Horoscope 2022. Every Libra now tends to make hasty decisions and impulsive conclusions about their feelings and decisions. Libra may expose Libra's friends to some kind of friendship test that may be disruptive to your friendship. Libra want to find out who is really behind Libra and who is your closest friend.

Venus, with her rapid passage through 7th house, a sign of her exile, may feel bored in life, mainly because of other people. Some of your friends will literally bore Libra. What's worse, you'll be presenting your opinion on the outside, so Libra can touch more people's statements. Libra Horoscope 2022 recommends that you weigh Libra's words thoroughly in May. Otherwise, Libra risk hurting the feelings of others. Don't say what Libra don't want to hear from others.

The 2022 Libra Horoscope also predicts that in May, your energies will be dissipated, and Libra will be entertained with thoughts that will be of no value and meaning to you in the future. Libra should understand yourself, and Libra need to work on the needs of your friends to overcome past karma, and to build current karma. Libra build a positive aura only with a good heart, and positive thoughts. Remember, therefore, that others also have feelings, and do not be carried away by impulsive conversations, or even gossip, which can disrupt Libra's interpersonal relationships in great depth.

So in May, be especially careful about your friendships, suggest detailed Libra Horoscope 2022, which now require your caution. be happy and feel good in the company of friends. Libra have to be a nice and understanding person. Libra's understanding is very important. Do not convey Libra's own opinions and attitudes or your personal decisions into the lives of others. Remember that everyone wants to live life according to their own ideas. Libra can't force your idea of life on others, and think they can do everything as easily as Libra can. Libra also perceive the abilities of others before Libra advise them on something that will change their lives.

Horoscope Libra 2022 define, that in May, Libra must be careful not only in your words, but also in your advice to others. Your friends need impartial advice. One that will help them in life, especially mentally. Libra's closest friend will have a problem that has been bothering him for a long time. In May, Libra will be the helper who will offer him the best advice. However, you must advise impartially, and open your mind to new dimensions. Impersonate Libra's thoughts. Do not advise others as yourself, but look into Libra's friend's heart. Don't move away from the thoughts and energy of others, suggest Libra Horoscope 2022, as these attitudes may confuse you.

The planet Jupiter passing through 7th house will have a great influence on the energies in your friendly relations. Planet Jupiter affects your friendship from May 10th to October 28th. The slow planet Jupiter causes very friendly energy and karma in Libra's life. You are very friendly to others, and you are always on hand if your friends need help and impartial advice. However, you will take the initiative in the life decisions of others. Libra want to help them, and your help can sometimes seem too invasive. You are very interested in the lives and personal decisions of others, which can put Libra's friends in a defensive position. Realize that not everyone wants to share their deepest emotions and personal decisions in life. Libra must accept this page of other friends if you want to maintain a balanced friendship.

During Jupiter's transition until October 28th, Libra will tend to maintain interpersonal relationships and friendships that are important to them in the future. In every friendly relationship, you will seek an advantage for yourself, because Jupiter will also manifest your selfish nature on the outside. The relationships that Jupiter moves in this way are mostly happy and harmonious. So this also applies to Libra's friendships.

Remember that from May 10th to October 28th, Libra are welcome to attend any social events. Some friendships can also grow into lovers. Libra Horoscope 2022 foretells this rebirth of relationships mainly for single Libras, which will discover a new value and a new life meaning in their closest friend. From point of annual Horoscope view of friendship, the months are the hardest hit, which also ends the most important Astrological Transits of 2022 - the months of July and August. It is these months in the second half of 2022 that mean for a diverse mindset that is always friendly. You are willing to exchange opinions and attitudes, your life direction and everything learned with others. Libra have the opportunity to capture certain friends just for yourself, and motivate them for Libra's life journey, in which they will not only help you, but also build their own personal progress. Combine your thoughts with friends to help others develop and grow in person.

During the months of July and August, all astrology transits towards Libra's friendship have a very positive effect. In July until the end of August, each Libra has many opportunities to establish new friendships. The heavily occupied July and August 11th house indicates experiencing a lot of joy from social events and also the closeness of your friends. Libra find satisfaction in society, and harmonious transits give Libra wisdom, a desire to learn, and share thoughts and feelings with others. That's why your friendships thrive mainly during the month of July - until August 26th.

From August 26th, Mercury comes to the 1st Astrological House, where Libra detach yourself from relationships with others, emphasizing Libra Horoscope, and focus mainly on Libra's own personal development, and on your own self. For the rest of 2022, transits no longer specify any negative interference in friendships. On the contrary, on December 21st, the sun moves to the 4th astrology house, which will positively affect not only Libra's family relationships but also relationships with Libra's closest friends. So at the end of the year, Libra's relationship will thrive.

The whole of 2022 is very positive in terms of friendly relations, says Horoscope. Your karma related to past inharmonious friendships is healed, so Libra can move forward. The friendships are strong, and the only difficult period is the month of May 2022, when Libra will have to overcome the provocation of your own energy, highlighting astrology Horoscope for Libra zodiac sign 2022. In 2022, Libra don't have to worry about any tricks from your friends. You don't have to worry about any gossip that would hit Libra's reputation. July and August 2022 will be strong months geared toward Libra's friends looking for a confidante, protector, and helper. Libra, on the other hand, are looking for people to help you move forward in life. This will also be the year 2022 in terms of your friendships, adds Libra Horoscope 2022.

The Libra Friendship prediction also provides the Weekly Libra Horoscope which is updated weekly. Get ready for the coming week with an astrological horoscope in 2022.

Horoscope 2022 Libra - Marriage

Horoscope predicts what dates are best for Wedding in 2022

Are you planning a wedding in 2022? Harmonious and disharmonic transits of 2022 can predict which dates are ideal for a wedding. With us, Libra will find out which dates are most suitable for a wedding for a sign of Libra, for a perfect wedding according to your dreams, without complications. Libra will also learn what date Libra should avoid in 2022 if Libra do not want your wedding to be associated with a number of problems in the wedding, or in a later marriage.

A very inappropriate month during 2022 is the beginning of the year - specifically January 2022. Although several astrology transits are directed to fourth and also fifth astrology house, Libra's ruling planet Venus is in Retrograde from January 1st to 29th. To this Venus is added the planet Mercury, which remains in this motion until February 4th, and thus further intensifies the negative energies associated with wedding problems. So in January, a wedding for Libra is definitely not a good idea, undeline Libra Horoscope 2022. Not only are you influenced by your ruller, which in turn can cause a lot of complications, but Retrograde Mercury also points out the inadequacy of signing important documents during this period, and that document is also a marriage contract.

However, since February 4th, the energy of the Retrograde Mercury has echoed, and the sun is in the conjunction with Saturn in the 5th house. Mercury preceding the 5th house and Venus also acting on this house of Libra also add to the positive astrology transits during February, says detailed Horoscope Libra 2022. February is thus an ideal wedding month for any Libra who longs for a smooth ceremony. If Libra want to reconcile your plans with harmony in the family, and with good friendships, and with increased romance and strengthening of Libra's relationship with your partner, do not hesitate and plan Libra's wedding in the beautiful month of February.

However, the time for weddings is not only in February, but also during March 2022. This wedding will be marked not only by harmonious aspects, but also by the mysterious atmosphere of Venus entering the sign of Aquarius. Libra Horoscope 2022 predicts from March 6th to April 5th, Libra perceive the transit of Venus to the 5th house. This Venus is not disturbed by the negative aspects of March, so Libra can fully enjoy every social event. Astrological aspects predict an undisturbed wedding that will fulfill your most secret expectations. In March, the planet Mars joins Venus in the 5th house, which means that Libra will have enough energy to cover everything Libra need.

March is an excellent month for every Libra who is considering a suitable date for a wedding in 2022. Reinforced March transits mean not only a successful social event but also a harmonious connection with a partner that will be lasting. Forget stereotypes, and use the month of March as one of the best months for a wedding during 2022. In March, Venus and Mars have a positive effect on Libra's 5th house and Libra Horoscope 2022, if these positive vibrations are added by the sun passing through 7th house and the planet Mercury acting on 7th house where Libra desire not only a physical but also a strong mental connection with your partner. The wedding will be harmonious, loving, and everything will go according to your ideas and expectations.

Not only Retrograde movements of Mercury and Venus are an unsuitable date for weddings. During 2022, you should pay attention not only to the January Retrograde movement of Libra's ruller and the planet Mercury, but also to the period from May 2nd to June 3rd. These days, the planet Venus is operating in the 7th house, but it is in the sign of its exile, declare Horoscope 2022 for Libra zodiac sign. From May 10th, the Retrograde effect of Venus on your wedding plans will be joined by the Retrograde Mercury, which for the second time this year is directing its strong energies and disrupting your planning. In May, and in the first days of June, do not plan a wedding if Libra want to orient yourself according to astrological transits and the recommendations of the fortune teller.

Several people choose to get married during the summer months, and in the second half of the year. During the summer, no transits indicate a negative effect on decisions, on Horoscope Libra 2022, plans and energy of Libra. On the contrary, during June, July, August and the beginning of September, transits will have a positive focus on Libra's friendly relations. From June 3rd to September 10th, they do not disturb the aspects of harmonic energy, and allow Libra to enjoy the wedding according to your dreams and ideas. From September 10th, however, the energy of Libra is influenced by the Retrograde Mercury, which passes through the sign of Libra to Virgo zodiac sign until October 2nd.

For Libra, this means an unsuitable time for a wedding, which would be marked by a number of complications. After the Retrograde Mercury disappears from October 2nd, Mercury moves to the sign of Libra in the 1st house. It gives wisdom and the desire to learn. Share your thoughts with others, and don't be afraid to move forward. From October 10th to 30th, Libra can once again take advantage of the shorter period when positive energies mean a happy and long-lasting marriage. From October 30th, until 2023 starts, Libra's wedding plans are again blocked by the movement of Retrograde Mars through the 9th astrology House, predicts yearly Libra 2022 Horoscope. The process can be impulsive and individualistic, so wedding planning can cause you a lot of problems. Use therefore appropriate period.

Horoscope predicts that in 2022, there are many possibilities for Libras for a perfect harmonious wedding. You can even take advantage of the popular summer months of 2022, which are not disturbed by negative aspects. However, avoid the period of Retrograde movements of the planet Venus, Mercury and the planet Mars. The most suitable time for the wedding is just the return of Mercury, and end of 2022 - from October 30th, when the energy of Libra is affected by the impulsive, aggressive and nervous Mars, adds yearly Horoscope Libra.

Accurate Monthly Horoscope Libra tells Libra more about Libra future in love, health, career, money or relationships. Horoscope 2022 Libra is also connected with a monthly prophecy. Read all the important horoscopes from the fortune teller for the year 2022.

Horoscope Libra 2022 - Pregnancy

Horoscope prediction for Best dates for pregnancy in 2022

Do Libra long for a baby, and you ask, which dates in 2022 are suitable for conceiving the first or next child? Have you had a complicated pregnancy in previous periods, and Libra are wondering if this pregnancy will be easier and without complications? The soothsayer prepared Libra Horoscope 2022 for those Libras that plan to become parents in 2022. So study suitable and unsuitable terms for conceiving a baby. See which terms cause complications and which mean a problem-free pregnancy, and no risk to you or your baby.

Astrological transits affecting Libras also predict those days that are favorable for Libra even from the point of view of pregnancy. However, it should be noted that these dates do not represent the exact terms to be conceived, but they will help Libra orient yourself in which months and dates are the strongest for you. Watch Libra's reproductive cycle, and try to focus on the following terms, emphasize Libra 2022 Horoscope, which are brought to Libra by the astrology prediction for the year 2022.

The whole of January 2022 is blocked by Libra's ruling planet Venus, but also by the planet Mercury in Retrograde motion. January is not a good month to conceive the first or next child, prognose Libra Horoscope 2022. Such a pregnancy could also cause you problems and unwanted complications. In January, Libra need to focus fully on your mental development. Libra have possibility to prepare for this role in your life also thanks to the movements of the Retrograde ruling planet, which in January will give Libra more time for yourself and Libra's own thoughts. Overall, it must be stated that the Retrograde movements of the planet Venus, Mercury and the planet Mars are in 2022 an unsuitable period for Libra to conceive. These terms can mean more complications, as well as problematic interpersonal relationships related to your pregnancy.

Pregnant women must take care of themselves from February 25th throughout March 2022. The energy of Libra is greatly influenced by Mercury square Uranus, the planet Venus, and the planet Mars. Pregnancy can now cause Libra minor problems, and pregnant women should be extremely careful about their health during this period. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, move enough, and be especially careful with risky activities that you should not perform at all now. Astrological transits do not indicate major complications, but rather caution for every pregnant Libra. But which period is ideal for conceiving your coveted baby? Which periods during 2022 mean increased fertility of a man born in the sign of Libra, but women of this sign?

The first ideal time to conceive your dream baby is the period from April 1st to 16th, foretell Libra Horoscope for 2022. These days are associated with positive astrology transits, and with a very positive lunar transit, when the moon also moves with your zodiac sign. From April 1st to 16th, Libra have the first opportunity in 2022 to conceive a baby. Libra have chance to enjoy a pregnancy without complications, when Libra will fully enjoy all the benefits associated with expecting your beloved baby.

Another suitable date is the period from June 8th to June 14th 2022. The next period is the days from June 30th to July 12th, which also represent excellent days for the birth of a baby that every Libra longs for. Libra's health will be solid, and your health will not be disturbed by any negative astrological transit. Your decisions are now the right ones, and Libra don't have to worry about any complications during pregnancy. Positive astrology transits, however, now have a positive effect on Libra's future with the partner with whom Libra decide to take this big step. So everything will go according to your ideas, announce Libra 2022 Horoscope, because from an astrology point of view, these terms are a very good time to have a baby.

The last suitable date for 2022 is the days from July 29th to August 10th. Therefore, use these days, which the fortune teller predicts for you, as the most suitable days for enjoying moments full of joy, and for the procreation of a beloved baby. The second half of 2022, ie the period from August 10th, does not bring any exceptional transits that would strengthen your fertility. Pregnant Libras should also pay close attention to their health in the period from October 30th, when every sign of the zodiac is affected by Retrograde Mars. However, astrological transits during 2022 do not indicate any complications related to pregnancy. However, if the pregnant Libra is paying attention to its health, especially during the second half of February, in the month of March, and also at 2022 end, it may not expect complications. So be conscientious, eat healthy, and include enough movement in your life, as Libra Horoscope 2022 recommends.

Now Libra know the exact terms that are suitable for conceiving a baby. Combine these terms with your fertile days, but avoid the periods of the Retrograde planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Remember that in March 2022, Libra may also be overwhelmed by fears of impending responsibilities in connection with Libra's pregnancy. These concerns may apply not only to the baby, but also to the management of Libra's parental responsibilities. However, with the end of March 2022, all your fears and anxieties will dissipate. You will be able to fully enjoy every moment associated with Libra's pregnancy only if Libra tune in to the overall well-being of life.

Daily Horoscope Libra prepare Libra for the current day. Horoscope 2022 from the Fortune-Teller also means the possibility of daily divination for Libra zodiac sign.

Horoscope Libra 2022 - Love, Career, Health, Future...

Click the image you like and read more about year 2022...

Horoscope Libra 2022: Overview - Positive and Negative aspects of 2022

Horoscope Libra 2022

The number of transits at the beginning of the year is related to the 4th and 5th astrological houses and brings to the life of Libra a healthy impulsivity, which is related to intimate pleasure. A home of joy and inspiration pushes you to enjoy passion with your partner... Introduction of Horoscope 2022 Libra...

Horoscope Libra 2022 from fortune-teller - Love & Relationships in 2022:

yearly Horoscope 2022 Libra

Since in January 2nd planets are in Retrograde motion - namely your ruling planet Venus, and from January 14th also the ruling Mercury passing through the 5th and later the 4th astrological house, it is important to be mainly interested in your own feelings... Read more about Love Horoscope Libra 2022...

Horoscope Libra 2022 - Family, Friends, Marriage and Pregnancy in 2022:

Horoscope Libra 2022 Family, pregnancy, marriage

Right at the beginning of 2022 - specifically in the month of January, the 4th and 5th astrological house of Libra is strongly occupied. In January, your ruling planet Venus acts on the house of the family and the home with its strength, which is in Retrograde motion from January 1st to January 29th... Read this yearly Horoscope Libra 2022 - Family, Friends, Pregnancy and Marriage...

Horoscope 2022 Libra - Career & Finances:

yearly Horoscope Libra 2022 work and money

The year 2022 will be an interesting year for Libra not only in terms of personal relationships, but also in terms of job responsibilities, successes, new opportunities, but also in terms of financial well-being... Complete annual Horoscope Libra 2022 in career and finances...

Horoscope Libra 2022 - Health & Vitality:

ročný Horoskop 2022 zdravie

Horoscope 2022 Libra also describes every Libra's health, whether man or a woman born in a fiery sign, which is ruled by warm Sun. During January beginning, especially from January 1st to January 6th, the New Moon in exile zodiac sign draws the attention of Libra to the health area. Read yearly Horoscope 2022 of Health and Vitality for Libra zodiac sign...

Retrograde movements of planets that affects Horoscope 2022 Libra

Graph of Retrograde Planets 2022 - Their affect on Horoscope Libra 2022

Retrograde Astrology 2022 - graph of Horoscope 2022 Libra

Click on the image above to read all the important information about the Retrograde Planets of 2022 and their impact on Horoscope Libra 2022. Below you will find a list of terms important for your energy, vitality and for the overall Horoscope Libra 2022.

Mercury Retrograde and Horoscope 2022 Libra
  • 14 January 2022 (in Aquarius 5 house) - 04 February (in Capricorn 4 house) (For 21 days, Horoscope Libra 2022 is influenced by the first retrograde Mercury)
  • 10 May 2022 (in Gemini 9 house) - 03 June (in Taurus 8 house) (Horoscope 2022 Libra emphasize transit for 24 days)
  • 10 September 2022 (in Libra - 1 house) - 02 October (in Scorpio 2 house) (Horoscope Libra 2022 is affected by transit for 22 days)
  • 29 December 2022 (in Capricorn 4 house) - end of year 2022 (Horoscope Libra will hit this aspect for 3 days)
Venus Retrograde - Horoscope 2022 Libra
  • 01 January - 29 January 2022 (in Capricorn in 4 house) (Horoscope Libra 2022 talks about this transit during 28 days)
Mars Retrograde - Horoscope Libra 2022
  • 30 October 2022 - to year 2023 (in Gemini - 9 house) (63 days are affected by Horoscope 2022 Libra)
Retrograde Jupiter - Horoscope 2022 Libra
  • 28 July 2022 (Aries in 7 house) - 23 November (Pisces in 6 house) (Horoscope Libra 2022 is affected for 118 days)
Retrograde Saturn 2022 - Horoscope Libra 2022
  • 04 June 2022 (Aquarius in 5 house) - 23 October 2022 (Aquarius in 5 house) (This transit affects Horoscope 2022 141 days)
Retrograde Uranus - Horoscope Libra 2022:
  • 01 January 2022 (Taurus in 8 house) - 18 January 2022 (Taurus in 8 house) (For 17 days, Uranus concentrates its energies on Horoscope Taurus 2022)
  • 24 August (Taurus in 8 dome) - to the start of the year 2023 (The annual Horoscope 2022 Libra is affected by the retrograde Uranus for 130 days)
Retrograde Neptune 2022 - Horoscope Libra:
  • 28 June 2022 (Pisces in 6 house) - 04 December (Pisces in 6 house) (the annual Horoscope Libra 2022 is changed by transit for 159 days)
Pluto Retrograde - Horoscope Libra 2022
  • 29 April 2022 (Capricorn in 4 house) - 08 October 2022 (Capricorn in 4 house) (aspect affects Horoscope Libra 2022 for 162 days)

Horoscope 2022 for 12 Zodiac Signs


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Horoscope 2022 Libra - Family, Pregnancy and Marriage