Chinese Zodiac Snake - Feng Shui & Traits

chinese zodiac Snake traits, personality, love

Chinese Zodiac Snake Traits & Feng Shui

Years of Birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037 ...

Lucky Numbers for Snake are 9 and 2 and all combinations of these numbers, for example 29, 92.

Lucky Day for Snake is the twenty-seventh day of every month.

Lucky Colors, according to the Feng Shui Snake are Black and Yellow.

Lucky Month based on the Feng Shui Snake is November.

Unlucky Color, that they need to avoid is Biela.

Unlucky Numbers for Snake are 1 and 7. Also all double combinations of these numbers, for example 71.

Unlucky Month according to the Feng Shui Snake is March.

Detailed Traits of Snake zodiac sign

The Chinese sign of Snake is an extremely wise person, who has a humorous approach to life. From its surroundings, the Snake is perceived as a dark sign that is insidious and ruthless. However, this is not true, and the Snake guards this image because it can use it to its advantage. In fact, this sign is brilliant and can get out of every problem.

Chinese zodiac Snake is an extremely strong personality, which literally evokes a feeling of fear in other people. According to the Chinese zodiac Snake and the traditional stories of the people of China, the snake is considered a symbol of wisdom. Usually, this sign is extremely intelligent and funny. They also stand out for their decency and attitude towards art. They enjoy pretty looking things that have perfectly arranged colours.

They just have a perfect sense of beauty and perfection. The Snake is also a master of the word. He is eloquent and can also orient himself in the field of working with people. He is a great businessman who has the ability to control the people around him and offer them things they will definitely want to buy from him.

Their weakness is their suspicion. They can make up things that are not true. But when they realize it, they can put this shortcoming behind their heads and draw more from their strengths.

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Work & Money of Snake Chinese sign

The Snake is an extremely creative Chinese sign, which is exceptional for its relentless diligence. The sign of Snake is a very hard worker who can become a workaholic. Nevertheless, he has a great tendency to get bored. Therefore, he cannot stay in one job for life. He likes to try and look for the best possible paths in life.

Chinese Zodiac Snake often works beyond his limits until he starts his own business. However, if this happens, he will probably not avoid the enthusiasm for work that can cause him health problems. The sign of the Snake is effective in solving all problems that can be solved even under the pressure of deadlines, or unexpected problems. The Snake is a sign that literally excels in every job and is a dream employee of every employer or entrepreneur.

A great job for the Snake sign is an entrepreneur, scientist or analyst. They are wise people who can handle things with great consistency and commitment. They can also be used in artistic fields such as painter, graphic artist, or designer. They are attracted by the criminal area, but from a different direction than you would imagine, they are great criminalists, investigators or detectives.

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Health Forecast for Chinese Zodiac Snake

The Chinese sign of Snake seeks refuge where it would have peace and a comfortable environment. He uses places where not much is happening and where he can relax. They do not like noisy environments and feel best when they are in the warmth of their home, where they can comfort themselves perfectly.

Women born in the Chinese sign of the Snake are great mothers who can give their child the necessary care, love and care. Men born in the Chinese sign of the Snake follow the rules and attract people around them with their thoroughness in everything they do. The Snake sign is extremely intelligent and perfectly manages the load in the workplace. Thanks to this quality, they are really resilient people who do not suffer from mental problems.

They don't have to worry about not being able to cope. These are usually extremely mentally strong signs of the Chinese zodiac. However, the snake must spend as much time as possible relaxing and searching for its inner peace. It is very important for the sign of the Serpent to be devoted to meditation, yoga, or other exercises that strengthen the spiritual, reveal the inside and strengthen the body.

Seniors born in this sign should be careful of their heart and higher blood pressure. However, if they devote enough time to physical activity and mental health, they will live to a good age in good health.

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Love life & Compatibility for Snake sign

In love, they usually get burned many times, especially if they rush in their youth and almost get married, get engaged, or almost have children. Perfect happiness is achieved by the sign of the Snake from the age of 30 when their lives begin to move in their dreamed direction.

Everything they have worked on in life and what they have endured will not be reflected until around that age. Even though the Snake often returns to the past with thoughts, they know that nothing that has happened will ever change. They should, therefore, come to terms with what once was and move forward.

Snake Love Compatibility in Love

Chinese Zodiac Snake understands the Chinese sign Dragon perfectly. They have many common interests, and they can understand each other in several areas of partner life. The sign of the Snake creates a great pair and achieves high relationship compatibility with the Chinese sign of the Rooster.

They are united by their unquenchable enthusiasm for mutual activities and they can empathize with each other's emotions. That's why they understand each other well. The snake can form strong friendships with multiple signs of the zodiac. Potential great friends of the Chinese sign of Snake include the signs of Rat, Horse and Monkey.

Snake and Ox create a great partnership at work. Together they can create good and successful projects and complement what one has forgotten, specifies also Feng Shui Snake. That is why this cooperation is exceptional and they can start working on huge plans.

Unsuitable Chinese Signs for Snake

Pig, Goat and Tiger are unsuitable partners for the Chinese zodiac Snake. If the Snake finds another Snake and would like to start an affair with it, it will not be the best decision. The two Snakes hate each other and do not form friendships or relationships. If this happens, it is usually a very short time with a bad end. The Snake should also avoid the sign of the Rabbit, which they will not get along with in the area of ​​physical love.

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How to attract Chinese zodiac Snake?

The sign of the Snake do not have many friends. In life, they tend to rely on each other and therefore gradually break the friendly ties they acquired in their youth. They don't need anyone to move around them and advise them on how to live. They prefer to rely on their own beliefs and go their own way.

Especially at a later age, when they reach adulthood, they gradually break the old bonds of friendship and focus more on themselves and the person with whom they will spend the rest of their lives. However, they never leave their real friends, and if they need help even after years, they will be there for them. The sign of the Snake is very complicated and therefore it is not easy to get their attention. Feng Shui Snake could help you to catch Snake's hearth.

However, the Snake usually longs mainly for a mental connection with a partner and for a successful partner who will be one hundred percent faithful to them. Feng Shui Snake specifies this trait. They must feel safe in arms of their partner and then they will want to be together for the rest of their lives. However, you must gain the first impulse gradually, mostly through friendship.

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Chinese Snake Zodiac Traits