Chinese Zodiac Dragon - Feng Shui & Traits

chinese zodiac Dragon traits, personality, love

Chinese Zodiac Dragon Traits & Feng Shui

Years of Birth: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036 ...

Lucky Numbers for Dragon are 1 and 7 and all combinations of these numbers, for example 71, 711, 171.

Lucky Day for Dragon is the first day of every month.

Lucky Colors, according to the Feng Shui Dragon are Gold and Silver.

Lucky Month based on the Feng Shui Dragon is July.

Unlucky Color, that they need to avoid is Blue.

Unlucky Numbers for Dragon are 8 and 3. Also all double combinations of these numbers, for example 38.

Unlucky Month according to the Feng Shui Dragon is June.

Detailed Traits of Dragon zodiac sign

The Dragon is simply an ambitious sign that has a mystical effect on the surroundings. Among all the signs of the Chinese horoscope, the sign of the Dragon is the most mysterious. It has many positive features of its own, but it is also a sign that perfectly combines a piece of each sign of the zodiac.

The Dragon is perhaps the sign that has the greatest tradition in the Chinese horoscope and in the culture of the people there, who believe that they are his descendants. The strongest aspects of people born in the sign of the Dragon are the endless energy and nature of a leader. He can help anyone to move forward, of course, if he has a good relationship with that person. If you have a baby in the sign of the Dragon, you are a person who probably has a little boss in the family.

The Dragon is a sign that has been behaving like a perfect manager since he was a child, and their leadership skills are immediately visible and recognizable from other signs of the Chinese zodiac. The Dragon sign has a strong desire to realize his dreams and plans because they never lack courage in life. If you know a Dragon or were born in this Chinese sign, you will certainly sow an enormous amount of energy in your life.

Are you curious what 2021 brings to Dragon zodiac sign? Read complete Horoscope 2021 Dragon for prediction in Love, Health, Career or Finances.

Work & Money of Dragon Chinese sign

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon sign is a lover of risk and challenge. Therefore, he often moves on the edge and looks for exciting opportunities to relax. The Dragon prefers a job where they can test their diligence and dexterity. Jobs, where something is happening, are suitable for the Dragon sign.

Chinese zodiac Dragon is not the type of person who would stay in one job for a long time and have one job for life. The Dragon is a Chinese sign that needs to make full use of talent, imagination and its need to spread its wings for its life. He prefers jobs that have a direct connection with thinking, and therefore professions such as an economist, politician or writer are suitable for this Chinese zodiac sign.

The Dragon is also great in the field of fashion, especially women are great fashion designers, in the field of healthcare, where they work as doctors or nurses. The Dragon is a Chinese sign, which, according to the zodiac, makes money very easily. They are not as important to them as they might seem, but rather they use them to realize their dreams, ideas and desires. The Dragon is a Chinese sign that achieves its goals often before reaching middle age.

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Health Forecast for Chinese Zodiac Dragon

The dragon is a charming sign that has the knowledge to get anywhere. They have ambitions in life that they follow. It is precise because of their path to success and perfect happiness that they sometimes neglect their health.

Dragons should focus more on outdoor sports activities and draw energy from the outside environment. However, sport is very close to them and once they try it, they will surely fall in love with it. They just need to find the right one that will entertain them. If this Chinese sign is dedicated to sports, it will maintain good health until its old age.

The Dragon does not tend to eat fast food and has a mostly balanced diet. Other Chinese signs would envy him for these qualities. If they can control themselves and spend more time relaxing than working, they will certainly find a way to great mental health for the rest of their lives.

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Love life & Compatibility for Dragon sign

The Chinese horoscope looks at love in terms of the common interests of two people. According to the Chinese horoscope, it is necessary to look for a partner who is perfectly suited to us and has the same life values ​​and opinions.

Dragon Love Compatibility in Love

The Rat and Monkey are suitable partners for the sign of Dragon. The most beautiful connection, which will be long-term, faithful and from which they will benefit from strong love, will be offered to the sign of the Dragon by the Chinese sign of the Rooster, with which they complement each other perfectly.

The greatest friendship finds the sign Dragon in the sign of Pig, or with another Dragon. The two Dragons understand each other perfectly in terms of friendship. The Dragon will understand the Horse sign mainly in the work area and he could start working on the project with the Chinese Rabbit sign.

They complement each other and so they can develop a perfect project by eliminating all mistakes. They look at the world around them from two different angles, which is very welcome in this regard.

Unsuitable Chinese Signs for Dragon

The worst relationship for Dragon is with the sign of Dog. A partners born in the signs of Ox and Goat are not suitable for the Dragon either.

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How to attract Chinese zodiac Dragon?

If the Dragon is looking for a life partner, he need to know Feng Shui Dragon an proceeds hesitantly. He systematically monitors his surroundings and waits for the one, who will enchant him in his surroundings. The Dragon is not a sign that shows a strong need for a long-term relationship. They want to keep moving forward and not stop in one place.

Stagnation is not a thing for them and therefore they need a person who radiates a lot of positive energy. They are attracted by people who share their goals, ambitions and who will never bore them. They want their love to be brave and they are also looking for someone who will give them the warmth of home and will brag about them in front of family or friends.

The Dragon is ambitious and therefore needs a strong partner by his side, but who will also be a pleasure for the eye. He wants his partner to be good at communicating, so you can impress him mainly with your communication skills and neat appearance.

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Chinese Dragon Zodiac Traits