actor Bradley Cooper - Capricorn zodiac sign

Actor Bradley Cooper - Life & Facts

Full Name: Bradley Charles Cooper

Birthday: 5 January 1975

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Favorite Color: Blue and natural Green

Height: 1,85m (‎6' 1")

Eyes Color: Blue

Hairs Color: Brown

Favorite Animal: Dog

Shoe Size: 46EU = 12US

Favorite Food: Sushi

Hobbies and Free time: Motorbike, Sports, Listening music, Reading books

Favorite Sport: Football

Favorite Movie: New York Stories, The Celebration, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Language Skills: English, Italian, French

Lucky Numbers: Lucky Capricorn numbers are 2, 16, 33

Bradley Cooper - Personal Life

Bradley Cooper has always dreamed of becoming an actor. In his youth he had to go through several problems. At the age of 15 he was treated for alcohol addiction. Even he could not avoid teenage problems, and this period shook with him pretty roughly. But that didn't stop him. And since Bradley Cooper is a powerful Capricorn, he managed to overcome these obstacles and set off on a journey of acting. He even went to study English and gradually learned other foreign languages as well.

This famous Capricorn was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His mother is of Italian-American descent and Bradley Cooper's father of Irish-American descent. In 1977, he completed his Bachelor Degree and studied at the Actors School. He loves spending his time with his motorcycle, which gives him a feeling of freedom. He speaks several languages and is known among others as a thoughtful and intelligent person.

Personality Traits of Bradley Cooper

Some of his characteristic features are associated with his zodiac sign. Born in Capricorn, Bradley Cooper is a very intelligent person. His personality is strong and can charm anyone at a first glance. He is very proud of his work and is an extremely hard-working man, just like every Capricorn. Bradley Cooper is also characterized by stability in his life. Even though there are relationship problems in his life, he tries to keep the relationship with all his strength. He is a great father and he devotes himself fully to parental responsibilities.

His characteristic feature is dominance. Bradley Cooper thus represents the perfect combination of the characteristics of his zodiac sign. He is a Capricorn who reflects the basic characteristics of Capricorns. He's a individualist throughout. Sometimes he prefers moments of loneliness because his heart hides a phlegmatic-introverted nature.He does not get angry often and doesn't take things too personally. Like every Capricorn, Bradley Cooper is a very hardworking man determined to achieve everything he sees. He loves motorcycles because every Capricorn is looking for adrenaline in their life to help them relax and shut down after a busy day.

Capricorn Bradley Cooper - Love Compatibility and Relationships

Bradley Cooper is steadfast and tenacious. As a male Capricorn, he is extremely passionate, but cautious at the beginning of relationships. Gradually he wants to shout into the world everything he has experienced and how he loves his love. Capricorn wants to share his feelings of love when he is madly in love. Sometimes he has to try to give his heart to several women before falling in love for the rest of his life. That's what Bradley Cooper is also like in love and in relationships.

According to astrological predictions, the most suitable sign for this actor is Pisces, Taurus and Virgo. Unsuitable partners for this charismatic Capricorn are signs of Libra or Aries. If you want to discover your love compatibility, for example with the Capricorn sign, don't hesitate to visit our Partner Match.

Bradley has experienced several relationships. This attractive actor formed a married couple with actress Jennifer Esposito, born under the sign of Aries. As the stars suggest less compatibility between Capricorn and Aries, this relationship did not last and their marriage lasted only 4 short months. Bradley Cooper had to move on to find the love of his life somewhere else. Later it was rumored that the blue-eyed Capricorn formed a pair with Renee Zellweger, Jennifer Lopez, or Suki Waterhouse. Bradley Cooper is definitely not one of the actors who managed to find love for life at a young age. But this is not only the case with ordinary people, but also among celebrities. It is said that his love was Jennifer Aniston. Since 2015 he has been dating supermodel Irina Shayk, but they say their relationship is coming to an end. Who knows, maybe this determined Capricorn can save it because they have a daughter who was born in 2017.

Horoscopes for you

We believe you have managed to get to know this actor born under the sign of Capricorn better. Bradley Cooper is one of the most popular and charismatic actors of the present.

Do not forget read your Daily Horoscope today and be prepare for your near future. You should flip your Tarot card of the day as well to know what are cards telling to you.


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Bradley Cooper Capricorn