Horoscope Sagittarius

Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope

(12/30/2024 - 01/05/2025)

Life is not just about work, take care of yourself. Money is not everything, and if you focus less on it, paradoxically, you will get it faster. With a clear mind, ideas will come faster and you will be able to benefit from everything. But you need more rest. If you're more in the mood and enjoy it, it's no problem. A party or evening event is waiting for you. Dress nicely, paint and go outside. You will meet interesting people who can be crucial for your future. Certainly, you will be especially interested in people of the opposite sex. Dress in a subtle black that will give the impression of magical beauty. It is a good time for a smaller firm, but do not endanger a permanent relationship.

Love: In the following period, remember that each storm will lead to the thunder once. Try to act honestly with your partner and avoid deceit or misleading. If you don’t have a partner, in the near future, you should give an opportunity to someone who is really interested in you.

Health: From the health point of view, it is more than enough for you. Great pressure on your person will be manifested in joint and spine pain.

Work & Money: You are annoyed by unexpected household expenses. Next time you have to think of saving before it's too late. Your financial situation will significantly improve. It's time to take a little risk.

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