Horoscope Leo

Weekly Leo Horoscope

(12/30/2024 - 01/05/2025)

During this week, the mighty Mars will impact your sign, giving you the ability to literally head against the wall. You will long for success. But this period is better suited for making plans for fun and relaxation. Pay attention to your partner or friends if you are single. Take the ones you love out, ideally somewhere where you can relax. It is the highest time to find someone who will take care of your children for at least one evening, so you can pay attention to each other. The influence of Mars is ideal.

Love: You must forgive anyone who has wronged you in the past, and you must also forgive yourself. Everyone in the world makes mistakes, but only those who can forgive will move forward. A short-term flirt with a charming person is waiting for singles.

Health: Your health should be paramount for you. Avoid cold weather.

Work & Money: If you are considering a change at home, do not buy unnecessarily overpriced things immediately. You can also make the change cheaper and more economical. Use your skills to help a colleague. He will be extremely grateful and even praise you in front of others.

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