Horoscope Scorpio

Weekly Scorpio Horoscope

(01/27/2025 - 02/02/2025)

The planet Mars will affect your emotions and desires this week. This week you will feel a surge of energy and fierceness. You can deal with feelings and pitfalls that have a negative effect on you from the past. Be careful, however, because Mars can also have a negative effect on you from the point of view of fire, which may be in your expression. That is why you have to watch out for your expressions and especially for surges of anger and irritability.

Love: If you have something to say to your partner, there will be an ideal opportunity in the coming period. Don't keep secrets to yourself. Those without a partner should focus more on their needs. Only then will they find their right one.

Health: Lunar position will help you to overcome your limits. Now is the best time to commit to yourself to a healthier lifestyle and exercise.

Work & Money: You are annoyed by unexpected household expenses. Next time you have to think of saving before it's too late. Do not be too confident in the next period. You should lay low during this period and do not try to climb the profession ladder.

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