Horoscope Pisces

Weekly Pisces Horoscope

(12/23/2024 - 12/29/2024)

Watch your fitness during this period. If you haven't noticed anything yet, it's time to stop your unhealthy eating and gaining weight or else you will get obese! Your past might catch up with you. You will often wonder what you could have done differently. But is it time to change something? Perhaps there is even remorse in your wounded conscience. Try to leave those negative thoughts behind and focus on your future. None of us can change the past anymore, and you should not worry about it. Do something nice at work and something extra for colleagues. There were times when they helped you and so they deserve your help for their past selflessness.

Love: Balanced and peaceful relationships will come to the forefront of this period. Enjoy the natural flow of love. If you're single, it's time to be more inclined to explore new things.

Health: Take care of your family. Your health is truly strong and even though you may be troubled by a mild cold you will surely overcome it.

Work & Money: Start short-term savings. Consider changing your job description for at least some time. This will help you improve not only performance but also fill your wallet.

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