Horoscope Aries

Weekly Aries Horoscope

(09/30/2024 - 10/06/2024)

You can enjoy and breathe out this week. There will be a time when you will feel neutral balance. In the past, you were like the waves of the sea. Sometimes up, sometimes down. This week, however, will bring the desired peace. Under the influence of Jupiter, you will feel your greatness and importance. You should think more about your ideas this week than before. It's possible that you'll get a valuable idea that you shouldn't miss. Jupiter also affects your increased appetite, so avoid overeating during this week.

Love: Do not expect any extraordinary deeds from your partner in the coming period. However, everything will be cool and you shouldn’t expect any disagreements or quarrels. If you are in the phase of searching for love, you might find someone interesting to help you in the near future.

Health: Don't look for your diagnoses over the Internet and go to the doctor. He will advise you best if you have a health problem.

Work & Money: If you keep things and especially your finances carefully saved, you will not lose them. Beware of your property. During this period you will be looking for new ways. You get new opportunities to succeed at work.

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