Horoscope Taurus

Weekly Taurus Horoscope

(04/22/2024 - 04/28/2024)

Under the influence of Mercury, you may be troubled by memories of the past this week. Don't get absorbed by negative feelings during this time. Stop worrying about what was and focus more on what you have now. Mercury can torment you in this period, but it will also give you great strength to understand your feelings. That's why you will have the opportunity to deal with your deepest thoughts this week.

Love: It's time to be with friends. Your partner will understand this and it will at least give them the free time they will really appreciate. If you are without a partner and someone invites you for a drink or a coffee, try it. At least for a moment you run out of your routine.

Health: As a result of your commitment to healthy eating and exercise, you could start a whole new life path with your new self.

Work & Money: You will answer an important in the following days, get ready for it. Your colleagues can also become your helpers. You ask your colleague for help with the project and don't regret it.

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