Horoscope Sagittarius

Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope

(09/02/2024 - 09/08/2024)

Do you have an appetite for a new job? Go ahead, but it's not advisable if you get to this position through the corpses. Think of your friends and don't betray them. Never let yourself be laid down by your enemies, and always do things the way you feel and believe is right. Your intelligence determines your true success. It is time for well-deserved relaxation and rest. Take at least a day off with you alone and make plans that bring you a lot of fun. Do sports, laugh, visit friends, or call someone you haven't heard from for a long time but still think about it. Your road to happiness is paved with your courage and activity.

Love: Both you and your partner long for more touches and more intense love. Pay more attention and kisses to your partner. If you are without a partner, do not forget to pay more attention to your inner self. Uncover the power of yoga or discover the magic of movement.

Health: Give your body the vitamin C, which is really essential during this period.

Work & Money: Don't buy things you don't really need. Save more. The boss has good news for you. Show him how hard you work and don't forget to clean up on your desk or office. They will also appreciate your orderliness.

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