Horoscope Capricorn

Weekly Capricorn Horoscope

(09/30/2024 - 10/06/2024)

During this period, there will be days you can only dedicate to yourself, but also days when you need to dedicate yourself to other family members and your friends. Focus mainly on the end of this week and the other half. Then you can look forward to one unexpected surprise. You will be visited by a person you are very interested in. But don't be afraid of this visit. Even if you have not treated them very well in the past, everything is forgiven. You have the opportunity to clean up your relationships and move significantly forward in your life and your relationship. Nothing should scare you, and you should focus on cleansing your soul. Throw the past behind and start over.

Love: In this unstable period, start especially from yourself and do not blame your partner for every detail. It will not be well received and there may be an unnecessary quarrel. In the following period, someone in your life will give you relationship advise. Take that well-meant advice.

Health: Planetary connections will help you overcome a small health problem during this period. Be careful for it not to repeat it.

Work & Money: Things in your life are changing fast, so you should start putting off some money for later. Everything at work goes as it should. You can also negotiate better working conditions.

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