Horoscope Aries

Weekly Aries Horoscope

(08/05/2024 - 08/11/2024)

This week there is a chance that you will meet someone from your past. It will bring a shift in your thoughts. Keep your head cool and stand by your opinions. Expect also an opportunity to improve your health from an unexpected direction. Grab this opportunity to include a member of your family who would benefit from improving their health. Current planetary connections will encourage you not to stay in one place but to move forward.

Love: You have already overcome multiple quarrels and disagreements in your relationship with your partner. However, this period must be left behind and you can move on. If you're single, spend more time with your family. Love will come along in time.

Health: Better exercise less, but with regularity. It is better to practice less than intensively and suddenly. Your body could wear out.

Work & Money: In finance today, risk does not pay off. Avoid them at all costs. Pay attention to learning new things. These will help you in the future in projects where you would just fumble.

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